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Relationship Tips: How to Handle Differences for a Successful Relationship

relationship tips


Relationships are built on love, trust, and empathy. As humans, we are bound up in relationships in many ways, including those of friends, partners, parents, siblings, and more. Every relationship goes through a hard phase sometimes and it is absolutely common. Emotional disconnect, financial stress, and trust issues are some of the causes of a relationship difference. Explore the tips to manage challenges in your relationship.

According to Census Bureau, the percentage of adults living with their partner decreased from 52% to 50% over the past decade. Staying in a relationship is as important as creating a new one. Being together for a long enough period of time, you may eventually experience some relationship difficulties.

Relationship differences also occur when both partners originate from different cultural backgrounds, the contrasts may be very noticeable. There are numerous topics where differences could arise in relationships. For instance, your beliefs about gender roles, how you manage your friendships, how you relate to your extended families how you manage your finances, how you manage your faith, how you manage your sense of humor, how you view parenting, and many other things. 

In this blog, we will see how relationship therapy helps couples and individuals to stay in a healthy and happy relationship irrespective of differences. In addition to that you can find relationship tips to enhance the bond in the relationship. Handling differences in a relationship is important to make it way long and you can achieve it by increased self-awareness of your behavior and understanding hidden emotional patterns.

What causes relationships to unravel?

You may wonder sometimes where did I go wrong to face a difficulty in the relationship. The reason may be any one of the following including communication issues, understanding trust issues, etc., Also, it may vary from person to person. Let's examine the reasons for relationship differences in more detail.


Lack of Trust

Past relationship issues, childhood trauma, and jealousy may be some of the root causes for the lack of trust. You might find, for instance, that you regularly question if other people will fulfill their commitments, are scared of becoming too close to them, or react suspiciously to acts of kindness.

Poor Communication

Communication is key in any kind of relationship. Good communication is the strong foundation for a relationship, especially you can point it as a successful marriage relationship tip. The conversation between you and your partner should not end with your kids' schedule and monthly expenses. It should be healthy communication. If you both don’t speak about different topics and your conversation doesn’t fill with empathy, love, and active listening it’s a sign that both of you want to avoid conflict which eventually causes frustration over the period of time.

Difficulties in Child Raising

Being overprotective, giving more freedom, and criticizing or praising too much are some of the issues that couples face while raising a child. According to the pew research center, in a survey of U.S parents, mothers are more likely to feel stressed and exhausted most of the time than fathers in parenting.

Priority Difference

Stress in a relationship develops when you and your partner are unable to envision a future together. Priority difference is not just confined to future goals. Settling into a new job or a new place, a decision about having children are some of the differences you can face while in a relationship.

Cross-Cultural Relationships

If you and your partner are from different cultures and have different beliefs, you both may find it difficult to understand each other’s traditions. It shows up in conflicts in parenting, identity loss, and even with food and cleanliness. Unsupportive families also cause stress in relationships.

Relationship management with the extended family

Maintaining boundaries is one of the most crucial pieces of relationship advice since you or your partner's family may occasionally pressure you to choose a particular course of action or become overly involved with decisions you both make. Loss of independence and privacy may also result in relationship anxiety. Read on to know the relationship anxiety signs, causes and effects


You know the most damaging act in a relationship is cheating. It not only causes the feeling of humiliation, and anger but also makes you or your partner feel betrayal and depression. According to ScienceDirect research, infidelity is not only related to symptoms of depression but also causes low self-esteem. Also, infidelity-related stress leads to poor mental and emotional health. 

Financial Problems

According to the American Institute of CPAs, a remarkable 73% of Americans who are married or living together claim their financial decisions cause differences in relationships. Income differences, different spending habits, and lack of communication about money decisions result in financial infidelity.

Now you may know what could be the reasons that creates difficulties in relationships. Read on to know the tips to handle those differences effectively.

7 Effective Relationship Tips to Handle Differences

Now, you may know how relationship counseling can be a road map to a stronger relationship. In addition to that, we will see some relationship tips which make your relationship stronger and happier.


Use "I" Statements to Avoid Defensiveness

Communicate your feelings by not directly attacking your partner. For example, instead of  asking “Why do you always make things messy?”, you can say “ I feel tired to clean all these things, try to understand”.  These are some of the strong relationship tips you can follow to manage and avoid stress in relationships.

Say “Yes” to Realtionship Therapy

Relationship therapy is a technique that helps you to bring new perspectives on relationships and celebrate them. The techniques used by relationship therapist foster new coping skills and techniques which helps to lessen the causes of relationship anxiety and understand the reasons for depression in relationships. Relationship therapy can be beneficial at any stage of a relationship, even though it is frequently used to address issues. Although you are in good, healthy relationships you might profit from techniques used by relational therapist since it improves connection and communication.

Practice Active Listening

When you are listening carefully when another person speaks, you make them feel valued. They will develop trust in you and also it is a sign of valuing the relationship. Hearing differs from listening. You can able to understand the emotions your partner trying to convey while you are actively listening. This perhaps enhances both of your mental health. Thus, understand what is mental health and how to mindfully approach your mental well-being..

Seek Win-win Solutions

A relationship is not a debate to win. Instead of aiming for dominance, try to hear the opinion of your partner and respect your partner’s viewpoint. Taking a strong decision is good, but mutual concern and happiness are more important in a relationship. 

Negotiate and Compromise

There is always a possibility that your partner wants something from you if you want something from them. If you list a few items you'd want to get, be ready to give a few things in exchange, it will be simpler to find a solution. The decision must be mutually agreed upon by both you and your partner. A genuine compromise will resolve a problem in reality.

Be Flexible to Change

Life only has one unchangeable constant i.e. change. Flexibility is  key to a healthy relationship and is necessary to deal with the change that occurs in any relationship in your life. It allows you to grow as a couple both at good and difficult times.

Don’t Force a Solution

Every person finds different ways to resolve concerns and problems. You can get over the difficult times by facing them together. Think back at the early stages of your relationship. Share your memories.

Do Things that Benefit Others

Wonder how can this be one of the strong relationship tips? You will get a feeling of satisfaction and happiness when you help others. If you did as a couple, happiness becomes contagious. This kind of activity will pave the way to interact more about different topics, and different people and helps you engage together productively.

How Relationship Therapy Works?

All therapy techniques are not the same. Trust issues, communication issues, and the factors which are affecting the relationships and the best relationship tips are given in relationship therapy which helps to make your relationship strong. Here you find how to find a marriage counselor, the types of relationship therapy and taking therapy completely depends upon the need and priority of the individual. 


Gottman Method

Even though there is a conflict exists between you and your partner, this Gottman method is just a step away to enhance your relationship. The reason is it aids in deeper understanding and develops problem-solving skills. This method helps to figure out unhealthy behavior in relationships like criticism and come up with the techniques to avoid them.

Emotion-Focused Therapy

By identifying the destructive behaviors and patterns, emotion-focused therapy helps to prevent them from an emotionally connected relationship. You can express your emotions in a safe environment where a relationship therapist helps you to focus and manage those emotions. With the help of emotion-focused therapy, you can develop empathy and communication, which in turn ultimately strengthen your relationship.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

CBT as a couple therapy focuses on every aspect of a relationship. It includes communication issues, behavioral changes, and mental health. Cognitive behavioral therapy identifies negative thought patterns and replaces them with  positive ones. According to the National Institutes of Health, this therapy has been found to be helpful in reducing marital stress and assisting couples in overcoming their relationship challenges.

Imago Relationships Therapy

In this therapy, your therapist can find the impact of childhood experiences on the present relationship. Imago Relationships Therapy is a combination of spiritual, behavioral & psychological techniques which helps to unveil the unconscious reasons for conflicts. It develops empathy and strengths the relationship bond.

Solution-Focused Therapy

In solution-focused therapy, your marriage counselor helps you to focus on the solutions instead of dwelling on the problems. It is an evidence-based approach and focuses on the short-term relationship goal. According to research, Couples' marital issues can be lessened with, solution-focused counseling.

Bowenian Therapy

This therapy focuses on two main concepts: triangulation and distinction. In triangulation, a third person is frequently included to reduce conflict. In distinction, you will be more focused on developing composed responses in family circumstances.  It focuses on writing exercises that make family ties and communication strong. This relationship therapy suits you better if you do not wish to invite family members into the therapy clinic. 

How Does Relationship Therapy Helps Rebuild The Lost Bond?

Relationship therapy helps to strengthen any kind of relationship through specific methods and techniques. According to The American Association of Marriage and Family, nearly 90% of the individuals who undergo therapy report improvements in their emotional well-being, and nearly two-thirds report improvements in their general physical well-being. Take a look at the following points to know how therapy helps for building a successful relationship.


Unopinionated advice by experienced relationship counselors

In a relationship counseling, your therapist helps you and your partner to express your thoughts and feelings in a safe and unjudgemental environment. Mental health therapist helps you to find the root cause of the problems which eventually builds trust and communication in a relationship.

Improves Effective Communication

The main intention of anyone who needs relationship tips is to keep their relationship strong and lovable. Find a therapist, in order to avoid resentment or anger that results from misunderstanding or miscommunication, a relationship therapist may guide you how to express your needs and desires to your partner in a clear and concise manner.

Effective Conflict Resolution

Relationship therapy helps you to identify triggers like extending your argument by speaking about the past things that lead to conflicts. It also makes you to focus on the solution without disrespecting your partner at the time of argument. With the help of couples counseling, you can learn and practice conflict resolution strategies.

Identifies Problems and Reduce Symptoms

Relationships can be extremely difficult for many people due to mental health issues like generalized anxiety disorder, significant depression, manic episodes, or post-traumatic stress disorder. Your discomfort can be lessened with therapy that specifically addresses these symptoms. For instance, trauma-focused therapy can effectively diminish PTSD-related memories and flashbacks, while cognitive behavioral therapy can lessen symptoms like obsessions/compulsions and terror.

Enhances Your Skills 

A therapist can help you understand how your own self-perspective —the way you relate to yourself in your mind—affects your self-esteem. In fact, therapy is an excellent place to increase your self-assurance because going to therapy itself is an exercise in self-worth. It also ensures you and your partner develop the skills to handle conflicts if any arise in the future.

Enhances Relationship Quality 

Relationship therapy helps you to eliminate unhealthy behavior in relationships. Additionally, it helps you and your partner better understand one another, which improves the quality of your relationship overall. This mental health treatment option, on the other hand, develops strong and deepens emotional connections in your relationship.

Helps to Understand Your Attachment Style 

The term "attachment style" is used by relationship therapists to describe extremely powerful patterns of relationships we begin to develop as kids. The way our families showed us love and care has an impact on our attachment types. According to research, our early attachment patterns often predict our adult relationship style without our awareness. You can expose these patterns with the aid of therapists who are trained in psychodynamic, relational, and schema-focused therapy. 

Our experts help you identify the core issues & build a stronger relationship ahead.
Browse licensed therapists near you, or talk to us to find the one who meets your needs.

Final Thoughts

We all know a popular statement that opposite poles attract each other. But sometimes too much of differences make us go crazy. In this era of the internet world, you may think you had the perfect partner for life. Sometimes online dating mismatches real-life expectations. Although in every kind of relationship conflict and differences are common. The way you handle it makes you treasure the relationships for life. 

At LifeBulb, our licensed therapist values you and your relationships. We will provide you with a supportive environment where your relationships take a positive turn and strengthen relationships. Either online therapy or in-person therapy, our relationship therapist provides you with a non-judgemental and tailored therapy that brings a positive outlook both in your relationship and life.

Frequently Asked Questions

For a healthy relationship, both partners should have a mutual understanding of each other. Although differences are common in relationships, here are the few best relationship tips for men to understand their partner and get the most out of their relationship.

  • Value the feelings of your partner. Every small move can create a strong bond in the relationship.

  • Although women have the mental strength to handle the situations, it will create a sense of security and emotional bonding if you stand up for her when required.

  • Sharing your feelings shows that you are honest and you value your relationship.

In relational life therapy, therapists support couples in identifying their problems, developing the abilities necessary to mend their relationship, and acting decisively.  It is a type of counseling for couples whose goals include conflict resolution, personal accountability, and improved communication.

  • The American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy (AAMFT) is a professional association for therapists. You can start your search for the relational therapist from that website by clicking the therapist locator tab.

  • Seek the help of community mental health clinics as they generally have a list of relationship therapist in your area. 

  • Get the reference from your friends, and colleagues as they may work themselves with the therapist, and also ask your doctor to suggest the best relationship therapist.

Strong relationships build on mutual understanding and realization of ups and down in relationships. Here are some of the successful relationship tips to make your relationship stronger and happier. 

  • Trust each other.

  • Respect each other.

  • Support to achieve your partners’ goals.

  • Have healthy and open communication.

  • Take the decisions together in the matter of finance, kids, and family

To keep the relationship ever-lasting and successful in spite of differences therapist suggest  some of the best relationship tips. Creating a shared vision together, prioritizing friendship, and maintaining a positive attitude are some of the practices you can follow for healthy relationships. Moreover, relational therapy is not for couples who have issues but also for pre-marital couples who need to develop a better understanding and better communication to foster a strong relationship in the future.

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