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Mental Health Therapy

We Can Help You Take Care of Your Mental Health

No matter what rough spot you’re in mentally and emotionally, we empower you to overcome your challenges and lead your best life.

Find a Therapist 855-722-4422
Signs and symptoms

What Can Mental Health Therapy Help With?

You don't have to face mental health issues alone. Our licensed therapists are here to help you on your path to recovery.
  • Anxious Feelings

  • Low Mood

  • Negative Thoughts

  • High-Stress

  • Personality Disorders

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Mental Health Therapy for Depression

Mental Health Therapy for Depression

Clinical depression is a type of mood disorder that makes people feel very sad or empty for long periods of time. It can make it hard for them to enjoy life. Here are some common signs of depression:

  • Persistent physical symptoms & sleeping disorder.
  • Changes in weight, appetite, or sleep patterns. 
  • Fatigue or persistent brain fog and feeling guilty or hopeless.
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Mental Health Therapy for Social Anxiety

Mental Health Therapy for Social Anxiety

Social Anxiety is sometimes called social phobia, an anxiety disorder characterized by intense fear in one or more social environments. This makes it difficult for a person to live the life they want & limits them in work, school, and relationships. Symptoms include:

  • Unproportianate fear of social interactions 
  • Avoidance of anxiety triggers 
  • Racing heart, sweaty palms, or feeling nasueas in social situations
  • Panic attacks when forced to face trigger
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Mental Health Therapy for Bipolar Disorder

Mental Health Therapy for Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar Disorder is characterized by two phases: an extreme high known as Mania, and an extreme low known as Depression. Although mood swings are normal, the extreme shifts in attitude and energy experienced with Bipolar are disruptive. Symptoms include:

  • Increased energy, activity, and restlessness
  • Irratibility or unusually bad judgement 
  • Lowered appetite and need for sleep 
  • Aggressive behavior or signs of psychosis
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Mental Health Therapy for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

Mental Health Therapy for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

If you have gone through a traumatic incident, it is normal to feel many emotions, such as distress, fear, helplessness, guilt, or anger. You may start to feel better, but sometimes, these feelings don't go away.

  • Constantly thinking about the trauma & having nightmares.
  • Negative thoughts about the world and yourself.
  • Difficulty relating or interacting with others.
  • Using drugs or alcohol to manage emotional pain.
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Mental Health Therapy for Schizophrenia

Mental Health Therapy for Schizophrenia

Schizophrenia is a severe disorder that affects how a person thinks, feels, and acts. They have difficulty distinguishing between what is real and imaginary and expressing normal emotions in social situations.

  • Delusions or false ideas—individuals may think they are being spied on.
  • Noticing, tasting, hearing, or sensing something that doesn't exist.
  • Disordered thinking and speech, moving rapidly from one topic to another.
  • Social withdrawal, extreme apathy & lack of drive or initiative.
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Mental Health Therapy for Substance Use Disorder

Mental Health Therapy for Substance Use Disorder

Consuming drugs to alleviate stress or emotional pain often can worsen mental health conditions and lead to severe risks and devastating consequences.

  • Continuously using drugs or alcohol while experiencing adverse side effects
  • Continual increase in drug or alcohol usage just to get the same "good feeling"
  • Feeling sick, hallucinating, or trembling when you stop using drugs
  • Emotionally feeling the need to use drugs or drink to feel normal
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Meet Our Mental Health Therapists

Our team of experienced mental health therapy therapists and counselors are committed to provide confidential and personalized mental health therapy sessions designed specifically for you.
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"Just because no one else can heal or do your inner work for you doesn’t mean you can, should, or need to do it alone."


– Lisa Olivera

Effective Treatments for Mental Health Issues

Our trained mental health therapists help you make positive changes with the proper treatment process.

Psychotherapy for Mental Health Therapy

Psychotherapy is a practical way to promote recovery. Also known as talk therapy, it facilitates the exploration of the thoughts, emotions, and behaviors behind your mental health issue with the intent of enhancing your well-being. Examples include Exposure Therapy, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, and Dialectical Behavior Therapy.

This treatment process has been proven by research to improve emotions and behaviors by addressing the root cause of mental illness.

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Psychosocial Rehabilitation for Mental Health Therapy

Psychosocial rehabilitation is aimed at fostering the development of social, emotional, and cognitive skills to empower individuals in managing challenging environments with the guidance of a qualified mental health therapist. Treatment plans and resources are tailored to each patient's needs and may encompass medication management, psychological counseling, vocational and independent living coaching, family therapy, and social support. The therapy process is personalized, focusing on the individual's needs and coordinated for optimal care.

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Dual Diagnosis Treatment for Mental Health Therapy

Dual diagnosis treatment provides therapy for individuals dealing with both substance use and mental health issues. It aims to address and manage both aspects concurrently. Since substance use often exacerbates symptoms and complicates treatment, Dual Diagnosis treatment and a therapist who is familiar with substance use disorder therapies is vital for recovery. With adequate support, self-help resources, and dual diagnosis treatment, individuals can successfully overcome co-occurring conditions, regain control over their lives, and embark on a path to recovery.

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Dialectical Behavior Therapy for Mental Health Therapy

Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) is applicable for patients who are high risk or are experiencing extreme difficulty in their lives as a result of their mental health struggles. DBT teaches both acceptance and change to create long-lasting, positive results.

DBT will help you unlearn harmful behaviors by understanding why they occur. It is recommended for suicidal ideation, borderline personality disorder, and extreme depression.

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Peer Support Programs for Mental Health Therapy

Peer support programs offer individuals who have made significant strides in their recovery the chance to support others on their healing paths. Peer specialists foster recovery, bolster hope, and build networks by serving as role models and motivators, while also complementing existing treatments through education and empowerment.

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Effective Treatments for Mental Health Issues
Nurture Your Mental Health with a Professional Mental Health Therapist

We recognize that physical and emotional well-being is vital. No matter your age group, our mental therapy services are confidential, easily accessible, and responsive to your personal needs.

How Mental Health Therapy Works

Lifebulb's Mental Health Therapy is goal-oriented and client-focused so you can receive the best treatment for your specific needs.

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How it Works

Insurance We Accept

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Meet Your Mental Health Therapist

Our therapists believe in everybody's ability to recovery and heal. They work to identify triggers, understand how they are impacting your life, and develop strategies to manage the symptoms and uncover the root cause.

Online Mental Health Therapy

Receive the best mental health therapy from the comfort and convenience of your own home. You can cut back on driving time and save money while receiving all of the benefits of mental health therapy.

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Frequently Asked Questions

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 A mental disorder is a serious condition that can affect your mood, behavior, and thoughts, potentially impacting your ability to interact with others and perform daily activities. However, with appropriate mental health therapy provided by a professional mental health therapist, individuals can learn coping skills to manage their condition effectively. If you're in need of immediate assistance, search for "therapy for mental health near me" to find help nearby.

If you find yourself experiencing extreme mood swings, social withdrawal, fatigue, low energy, sleep disturbances, hallucinations, paranoia, or detachment from reality (delusions), it could indicate a mental health deterioration or disorder. This is a crucial time to seek assistance. You can search for a mental health therapist near you to receive immediate help.

If you've been encountering these symptoms, we recommend seeking support through mental therapy. You can reach out to Lifebulb via our 24/7 helpline. Additionally, you can find us online by searching for "mental therapist near me," "therapy near me mental health," "therapy mental health near me," or "therapy for mental health near me."

Mental health issues or disorders encompass various types, including:

1. Anxiety conditions - This category includes generalized anxiety disorders, social phobias, specific phobias (such as agoraphobia and claustrophobia), panic disorders, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). If left untreated, anxiety disorders can significantly impact daily life.

2. Compulsive behavior disorders - These disorders involve anxiety, panic, and OCD. Obsessions are unwelcome and recurrent thoughts, intrusive images, or emotions, while compulsions entail stressful, time-consuming rituals. Mental health therapy options for these disorders include medication and cognitive behavior therapy (CBT).

3. Dissociative disorders and dissociation - Dissociation occurs when individuals mentally disconnect from their thoughts, emotions, memories, or sense of self. Examples of dissociative disorders include dissociative amnesia, dissociative fugue, depersonalization disorder, and dissociative identity disorder.

4. Depression - Depression is characterized by a persistent low mood, loss of interest and pleasure, and decreased energy. There are various subtypes and symptoms of depression, with varying degrees of severity. Depression symptoms may increase the risk of suicidal thoughts or actions.

  • Psychotherapy: Psychotherapy is suitable for various conditions and can help individuals cope with challenges such as career transitions, grief, or family issues related to chronic illness.
  • Behavioral Therapy: Behavioral therapy employs various techniques to help clients develop healthy behaviors while unlearning unhealthy ones, such as dependency and difficulty tolerating frustration.
  • Exposure Therapy: Often used for treating phobias, exposure therapy involves exposing clients to feared stimuli in a controlled environment to reduce fear and encourage them to confront their fears.
  • Interpersonal Therapy: Originally designed as a brief treatment for depression, interpersonal therapy focuses on improving relationships by addressing issues such as unmet expectations, conflicts, role transitions, and social isolation.
  • Cognitive Therapy: Cognitive therapy helps clients recognize and challenge cognitive distortions that contribute to their problems. By identifying core beliefs and assumptions, individuals learn to think differently, leading to symptom reduction and improved emotions and behavior.
  • Psychodynamic Psychotherapy: Similar to psychoanalysis, psychodynamic psychotherapy emphasizes uncovering unconscious patterns in thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.
  • Supportive Psychotherapy: Supportive psychotherapy fosters a supportive relationship between therapist and client, encouraging emotional expression and problem-solving. This approach can be particularly effective in primary care settings for addressing specific issues.

To locate a mental health therapist near you, simply search for "find a mental health therapist near me" and visit our website to schedule an appointment. You can review the bios of our therapists to find the best fit for you and book a virtual therapy session or an in-person counseling appointment online. Alternatively, feel free to contact our office, and one of our team members will assist you in finding the right mental health therapist or counselor tailored to your needs and goals. Your therapist will then work with you to create a personalized treatment plan aimed at achieving your specific objectives.

 Lifebulb's mental health therapy specialists and counselors are dedicated to offering comprehensive in-person and online therapy, counseling, and support for a diverse range of mental health needs and challenges. These include, but are not limited to, anxiety, depression, grief and loss, PTSD, life transitions, adjustment disorders, bipolar disorder, Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD), autism spectrum disorder (ASD), eating disorders, counseling for mental health disorders, therapy for teens and adolescents, anger management, career coaching, life coaching, ADHD treatment, bipolar disorder treatment, family therapy, panic attacks, phobias, substance abuse, virtual mental health therapy, online counseling, Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), and more.

  • The mental health therapist should possess a degree in counseling, social work, family counseling, psychology, or medicine.
  • Ensure that the therapist is qualified, has experience with mental health therapy for disorders, and is licensed in their profession before initiating treatment.
  • Mental health disorder counseling may incorporate methods such as play therapy, mindfulness techniques, cognitive behavioral therapy, expressive therapy like art therapy, and long-term mental health care.

Your initial mental therapy session with a Lifebulb mental health disorder's therapist or counselor won't merely involve gathering background or demographic information. We understand that seeking help is a significant and challenging step. Therefore, our first offline or online mental health therapy session with you will focus on delivering the service you seek and demonstrating that the mental health disorder's therapy process can be effective with mutual effort and commitment.

We believe accessing a mental health disorder's specialist or counselor should be convenient and straightforward. Our process is designed to make it easy for you. You can simply browse through the bios of our mental health therapists to find the right fit for you and schedule a virtual mental health therapy session or an in-person counseling session online. Alternatively, you can call our office, and one of our team members will ensure that you are matched with the right mental health disorder's therapist or counselor based on your needs and goals. Whether you prefer online or offline therapy, your professional mental health therapist will work with you to create an individualized treatment plan tailored to help you achieve your specific goals.

If you are facing an emergency situation, please dial 911 immediately for assistance. While Lifebulb does not operate as an emergency mental health treatment center, and our mental health disorder's therapists and counselors are not emergency services, we understand that urgent situations can arise unexpectedly. You will have direct access to your therapist or mental health disorder's treatment center via email and phone, and they will make every effort to be available to assist you when you reach out. Depending on your specific mental health therapy treatment plan, your mental health disorder's therapist may provide you with resources or contacts to help manage situations that extend beyond the scope of your online or offline mental health disorder's therapy sessions.

When you book a session with your mental health disorder therapist or counselor, our mental health therapy team will email you a confirmation of your appointment date and time with a link to the virtual mental health disorder's therapy room. Click the link and log in to the virtual mental health disorder's therapy room a few minutes before your session, and your mental health disorder's disorder specialists will meet you there.

 Certainly. All our professional mental health therapists are equipped to deliver top-notch online mental health disorder therapy and treatment services to our clients.

 We utilize a HIPAA-compliant video counseling service integrated into our Electronic Health Records System to ensure a seamless process for our clients to participate in online therapy sessions. Scheduling a session with us is straightforward. You can either call our office or request a specific time for your mental therapy session through our website. A team member will then assist you in booking with the most suitable therapist or confirm your online session details. We'll also go over insurance information and a few basic policies before emailing you a confirmation of your mental health therapy session date and time, whether it's for in-person or virtual therapy.

 We maintain a flexible cancellation policy for your convenience. Simply contact our office or reach out to your mental health therapy counselor or therapist at least 24 hours before your scheduled online therapy session to cancel or reschedule, and there will be no charge incurred.

 We offer a flexible cancellation policy. Feel free to contact our office or reach out to your mental therapy counselor or mental health disorder's therapist at least 24 hours before your scheduled online mental health disorder's therapy session to cancel or reschedule without any charge.

 Engaging in mental health therapy treatment is typically a long-term journey that contributes to overall mental well-being. Research has shown that mental health disorder's therapy can lead to improvements in emotions and behaviors, facilitating healthy adaptations in the brain and body. While there's no assurance of a definitive "cure," therapy can promote positive lifestyle changes.

 We are affiliated with several major commercial insurance plans, such as Aetna, Amerihealth, Cigna, Optum Health, United Healthcare, Tricare, and others. If your insurance provider is not listed, we are glad to check your benefits for potential coverage. If not covered, we offer competitive self-pay rates for your convenience.

 At Lifebulb, we don't impose any recurring memberships or fees. We believe that everyone should have access to top-notch online mental health therapy services without enduring ongoing out-of-pocket expenses just to receive treatment for mental health disorders. With us, your sole session expenses will be either those determined by your insurance provider or our affordable self-pay rate.

 While some practices limit their services to self-pay clients or out-of-network benefits, Lifebulb strives to minimize your expenses by accepting most major insurance plans. Typically, the out-of-pocket cost per online mental health therapy session is a modest copay determined by your insurance provider and plan. Additionally, we offer a self-pay rate that is often lower than many practices for individuals without insurance or those who prefer not to utilize their healthcare benefits for in-person or virtual mental health disorder therapy.

 At Lifebulb, we are highly selective when choosing therapists to assist you in reaching your PTSD therapy goals. However, we recognize that not every mental health therapy therapist may be the ideal fit for every client. If your therapy experience falls short of your expectations, we're committed to assisting you in finding a therapist you feel more comfortable with.

 Ensuring your privacy is our utmost priority at Lifebulb. As a covered entity under HIPAA guidelines, we adhere to all rules and regulations to safeguard your information. Should you have any inquiries or suggestions regarding our mental health therapy privacy and security measures, please feel free to reach out to us at

 At Lifebulb, we prioritize the well-being of our mental health disorder therapists, recognizing that their satisfaction directly impacts the quality of care they provide. We believe that when therapists enjoy their workplace environment, they can deliver the best mental health treatment to their clients. This ensures that you receive optimal support and care during your sessions, fostering a positive therapeutic experience for both you and your therapist.

 Our online mental health therapy sessions are conducted by our experienced mental health therapists in private virtual environments. Our video platform is securely integrated into our HIPAA-compliant Electronic Health Records system, ensuring the confidentiality and protection of your personal information, including your face, voice, and data, at all times.

 Lifebulb is recognized as a covered entity under the guidelines of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), ensuring compliance with all related rules and regulations. Should you have any inquiries or suggestions regarding our privacy and security protocols, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at We are committed to addressing your concerns and ensuring the confidentiality of your information.

At Lifebulb, our most significant distinction lies in our professional mental health therapists. Unlike many practices, both large and small, that prioritize business growth over the well-being of their team, we prioritize our therapists' fulfillment and satisfaction. This philosophy extends to how we value their contributions as providers of essential mental therapy services. For our clients, this approach translates into receiving care from therapists who genuinely enjoy their work environment, resulting in more effective therapy for children's disorders. Our overarching objective at Lifebulb is to cultivate an environment where our therapists thrive, enabling them to deliver optimal care. By doing so, we empower our clients to achieve their mental health treatment goals through either in-person counseling or virtual therapy for children.

 At Lifebulb, we maintain a rigorous selection process for hiring therapists because we understand the profound impact the right mental health disorder therapist can have on our clients' progress. Our therapists specializing in mental health disorders have attained at least a master's level of education and have undergone extensive hands-on training before obtaining full clinical licensure. We prioritize aligning with individuals who share our core values among the pool of highly qualified therapists. This ensures that your mental health disorder therapist is fully committed to going above and beyond to provide you with the best possible therapy, whether it's through online sessions or in-person counseling.

Lifebulb's network of mental health therapy clinics spans multiple locations to offer convenient access to in-person counseling services. We are continuously expanding our reach to serve more communities effectively. Additionally, we provide telehealth or online therapy sessions for individuals who may reside far from our physical offices, ensuring access to quality mental health care regardless of geographical limitations.

All our professional mental health therapists undergo extensive education and training, obtaining full clinical licensure in counseling. We conduct thorough interviews, background checks, and in-house training for each therapist to ensure they meet our standards. Additionally, our therapists participate in ongoing education to stay updated and provide the highest quality in-person and online mental health disorder therapy services.

It's crucial for our clients to work with the most suitable mental health disorder therapist for their specific needs. That's why we offer detailed bios of our mental health therapy therapists for review before contacting us. If you have a specific therapist in mind, we'll gladly schedule your session with them. However, we acknowledge that perfect matches aren't always guaranteed. In such cases, we'll assist you in finding the right therapist from our team or provide a referral to someone better suited to your needs.

 A professional counselor is a mental health expert at the master's or doctoral level, authorized by a state licensure board to diagnose and address mental health conditions. The specific title of a counselor's license can differ by state, but commonly includes designations like Licensed Mental Health Counselor (LMHC), Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC), Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor (LCPC), and Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor (LPCC).

We have licensed clinical psychologists on our team because they can provide specialized services, including top-quality online mental health therapy and psychological testing, that other professionals may not offer. Often, our mental health therapists or counselors collaborate with psychologists to offer comprehensive mental health medication management, therapy for mental health disorders, and psychological assessments tailored to your unique needs or goals. This collaborative approach allows us to address a broader spectrum of your needs effectively.

Must-Read Resources

Start your journey to better mental health. Read to find out more about mental health issues & get the help you are looking for.