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Anger Management

Break Free From Anger and Find Peace

Step into a world of fulfillment and possibilities with our qualified therapists’ anger management treatment process.

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Signs and symptoms

How Can Anger Management Help You?

When left unchecked, anger is an intense emotion that leaves us drained, lost, and, often times, alone. Anger does not only affect those around us; it can have harmful effects on our own mental and physical health. These include:

  • Fatigue

  • Fever

  • Addiction

  • Tremors/muscle twitching

  • Substance abuse

  • Violent tendencies

  • Hypertension

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Anger Management for Behavioral Anger

Anger Management for Behavioral Anger

Behavioral Anger is borne out of the desire to react physically toward the feeling of Anger. Thus, it can become outwardly aggressive. Other common signs can be:

  • Physically intimidation or assault
  • Breaking or throwing things to assert dominance
  • Feelings of lingering regrets after the Anger passes
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Anger Management Therapy for Chronic Anger

Anger Management Therapy for Chronic Anger

Chronic anger manifests as an ongoing and underlying resentment or frustration towards people and situations. Some common signs are:

  • A perpetual irritation and a nagging feeling
  • Racing thoughts and building rage
  • Palpitations and chest tightening
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Anger Management Treatment for Judgmental Anger

Anger Management Treatment for Judgmental Anger

Judgmental anger is expressed as indignation at perceived injustice. Often, this type of anger leads a person to assume a morally superior stance on any issue. Some of the signs may be:

  • Poor interpersonal skills
  • Presenting justifications for actions/speech made during fits of anger
  • Loneliness due to perceptions of a lack of a support system
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Anger Management Therapy for Overwhelmed Anger

Anger Management Therapy for Overwhelmed Anger

People may experience anger out of hopelessness in situations that they believe are beyond their control. Some common symptoms include:

  • Trouble concentrating
  • Feeling exhausted for no reason
  • Social isolation
  • Overreacting to minor stressors
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Anger Management for Passive Aggressive Anger

Anger Management for Passive Aggressive Anger

Passive aggressive anger is more of an avoidant type of anger, where a person may actively deny any feelings of fury or frustration. Some of the symptoms are

  • Sarcasm/veiled mockery
  • Chronic procrastination
  • Avoiding confrontation
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 Anger Management for Self-Abusive Anger

Anger Management for Self-Abusive Anger

Self-abusive anger pivots on shame and self-deprecation. Self-abusive anger builds up due to negative self-talk, substance abuse, self-harm, and eating disorders. Other signs are:

  • Lashing out
  • Self-defeating, distorted thoughts
  • Trichotillomania
  • Picking skin or reopening wounds
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Meet Our Anger Management Therapist

Our team of expert therapists specializing in anger management can provide you with holistic care in your journey toward a better & healthy life.

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Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned.


― Buddha

Anger Management Treatment Process

Your anger management therapist will create an anger management treatment plan to help you on your way toward recovery.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Anger Management

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) helps us recognize their pattern of self-defeating thoughts, which can often result in anger. After recognizing these patterns, we can better regulate and control anger flare-ups when they occur. Other associated benefits of anger management therapy are:

    • Better conflict resolution
    • Effective grief management
    • Better regulate emotional stress caused by trauma
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Psychodynamic Therapy for Anger Management Treatment

Psychodynamic therapy is where therapists help people undergo self-reflection to recognize the roots of their emotional distress. Oftentimes anger is rooted in childhood events or deeply held, unconscious thoughts. By uprooting these unconscious experiences and thoughts, we can learn why we react in anger and how we can stop it. Some other benefits of anger management therapy are:

    • Enhancement of interpersonal relationships
    • Relief in PTSD
    • Constructive conflict resolution
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Stress Inoculation Training for Anger Management

During Stress Inoculation Training, a therapist will provoke your anger in a safe space. Then, they will help you use coping mechanisms and dialouge scripts to healthily manage your anger in a nondestructive ways. This can include:

    • Practice coping techniques to deal more effectively with actual anger-inducing events
    • Exercise more self-control during times of uncertainty
    • Lower levels of agitation
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Social Skills Training for Anger Management Therapy

Anger is often a result of frustration of not being understood. Instead of communicating effectively, we react in anger. Social Skills Training gives you the skills you need to communicate effectively using social intelligence and conflict resolution skills. This can help you:

    • Think deliberately about the impact of their anger on others
    • Reduce conflict escalation
    • Improve listening skills while preserving assertiveness
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Cognitive Restructuring for Anger Management

Cognitive Restructuring aims at enabling clients to find errors in their thinking patterns, especially if they lead to angry outbursts. By learning the skills you need to understand your thoughts, you take back the power from anger. Cognitive restructuring works by:

    • Helping clients to recognize self-destructive beliefs and personalizing perspectives
    • Supporting clients to inculcate alternative thinking processes to be more objective and rational
    • Removing active or passive biases
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Anger Management Treatment Process
Anger Management Therapy Is for All

Extreme anger issues can affect the best of us at different stages of our lives. Lifebulb's Anger Management Therapists will meet you where you're at.

How Anger Management Therapy Works

Our anger management therapists create a safe, nonjudgemental space where you can work on becoming the person you want to be.

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Get Matched With An Experienced Anger Management Therapist

Meet with a therapist who understands your needs to provide holistic care and customized treatment plans.

Online Therapy

Delve into virtual anger management therapy from the comfort of your home. Our therapists provide holistic support for overcoming anger issues.

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Frequently Asked Questions

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The goal of anger management is to assist a person in controlling their anger and aid in stressor identification. In anger management, people acquire techniques to help them maintain their composure. They could then respond to tense circumstances in a helpful, constructive way. Anger management lessens the physical and emotional excitation that rage may bring about. A mental health professional's assistance could be beneficial for anger management.

Aggression is one physiological outcome of people who wish to express their anger. It is an adaptive reaction that aids in preparing people to fend against threats. Anger inappropriately expressed could be a sign of a more deep-lying emotional or mental health problem. Therapy for anger management teaches clients to control their rage better. Furthermore, they can also determine the root cause of their anger. Some root causes of anger may be emotional trauma, addiction, and bereavement. However, one of the most natural tendencies may be to lash out to find momentary solace.

Understanding one's triggers is a critical component of anger management therapy. Additionally, it also aids in changing how people perceive circumstances. People who receive effective anger management therapy learn constructive strategies to vent their frustration and rage. Individual or group therapy for anger control may be provided for any age group. Among the methods employed in therapy for anger management are:

  • Self-awareness
  • Mindfulness
  • Resentment control
  • Breathing methods
  • Stress relief

Here are some factors that may make people more prone to developing anger issues-

  • History of Childhood Abuse
  • Early Trauma
  • Being in an Abusive Relationship
  • Emotional, Mental, and Physical Exhaustion
  • Unresolved Emotional Trauma
  • History or Predisposition Towards Anxiety
  • Stress

Some common signs of anger disorder that require anger management treatment are:

  • Having Chest, Head, or Stomach Pain
  • Bruxism of the Teeth
  • Feeling Tense
  • Craving a Beverage
  • An Obsessive Desire for Vengeance
  • Having Disagreements
  • Having no Hope
  • Physically Provoking Violence

Uncontrolled rage can harm your relationships and your health. Start by slowly taking into account these anger management suggestions and seeking professional help.

  • Think before you speak
  • When you're at ease, voice your worries
  • Workout
  • Take a break
  • Think about possible solutions
  • Work on your resentment
  • Hone your relaxation skills
  • Know when to ask for assistance

If you need help, you can reach out to Lifebulb using our 24x7 active helpline. You can simply search 'anger management programs near me’ or ‘Find anger management therapist’ online and get help.

If you have been experiencing the symptoms above, we suggest you look for help, you can contact Lifebulb using our 24x7 active helpline. You can find us online by simply searching 'anger management therapy near me' or 'therapist for anger management near me.’

The key to managing persistent anger problems is through therapy. Based on the intensity of your anger and its underlying reason, a qualified mental health specialist can propose a specialized therapy for anger management. The overall objective of therapy is to assist you in working through your anger to have a healthier, more harmonious connection with your emotions instead of suppressing them.

Psychotherapy: These are the most prominent category of counselors, sometimes also known as "talk therapists." They collaborate with their clients to address underlying anger issues and their causes while also assisting them in achieving healthy behavioral goals.

Psychodynamic Therapy: Psychodynamic therapy is where therapists help people undergo self-reflection to recognize the roots of their emotional distress.

Therapeutic play: Play therapy is a type of psychotherapy that is helpful for younger children.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: This type of therapy helps angry people recognize their pattern of self-destructive thoughts. Thus, such persons can better regulate and control their flare-ups when they occur.

Stress Inoculation Training: During stress inoculation training, the anger management therapists create anger-inducing situations for their clients so that they can react differently in situations of actual anger.

The body's "fight or flight" response is brought on by anger, typically associated with fear, excitement, and anxiety. Adrenaline and cortisol, two stress hormones, are abundant in the body and are released from the adrenal glands. Expecting increased physical activity, the brain diverts blood from the intestines toward the muscles. As a result, the body temperature rises, along with general breathing, heart rate, blood pressure, and sweating. Therefore, a person experiences a concentrated mind.

However, chronic unchecked anger can eventually impact various bodily systems due to the persistent influx of stress hormones and related metabolic changes. Uncontrolled anger has been related to both short- and long-term health issues, including:

  • Headache
  • Digestive issues
  • Abdominal discomfort
  • Increased anxiety and depression
  • Heart attack
  • Skin conditions like eczema caused due to high blood pressure

Our anger management therapists and counselors specialize in providing in-person and online therapy, counseling, care, and treatment for various mental health needs and issues. Some of those issues include, but not limited to, anxiety, depression, grief & loss, trauma, PTSD, couples counseling, marriage counseling, life transitions, adjustment disorders, bipolar, schizophrenia, eating disorders, child counseling, teen and adolescent therapy, anger management, career coaching, life coaching, ADHD treatment, family therapy, panic or anger management attack, phobias, substance abuse, virtual therapy, online counseling, EMDR, and EFT.

What separates us from the rest is that, unlike others, your first session with a Lifebulb anger management therapist or counselor won't simply be a background or demographic information-gathering session. We understand how difficult getting help can be. That's why our first offline/online therapy session with you will be about providing the exact service you are seeking. Moreover, we will help you demonstrate that the therapy process can work with both sides' combined effort and dedication.

We believe getting access to an anger management specialist or counselor should be quick and easy. So our process is straightforward. Simply browse our therapist catalog until you find the right fit for you. Then, you can schedule a virtual or in-person counseling session online. On the other hand, you can call our office and someone from our team will help make sure you're matched with the right anger management therapist or counselor. Whether online or offline anger management therapy, your therapist will help you with an individualized anger management treatment plan to help you reach your specific goals.

If you are experiencing an urgent emergency please call 911 immediately.

While Lifebulb is not a crisis center and Lifebulb anger management therapists/counselors are not emergency service providers, we understand that urgent matters can and will emerge from time to time. You will have direct access to your therapist in the anger management treatment center through email and phone. Our dedicated therapists will go out of their way to be available to your needs. Furthermore, depending on your specific anger management treatment plan, your anger management therapist may provide you with the exact resources to use when situations occur beyond the scope of your online therapy or offline therapy work together.

When you book a session with your therapist/counselor, our team will email you a link to the virtual anger management therapy room as a confirmation of your appointment date and time. Upon clicking the link and logging in to the virtual therapy room, your anger management specialist will meet you there.

Yes. All of our therapists can provide the best online anger management therapy and anger management treatment services in a virtual setting.

We use a HIPAA-compliant video counseling service integrated into our Electronic Health Records System to provide a smooth process for our clients to engage in online therapy sessions. Booking a session with us is easy. Simply call our office or request a specific session time from our website, and a team member can book you with the best possible fit as a therapist or confirm your online session details. We'll review insurance information and a few simple policies and email you a confirmation of your anger management session date and time, whether in-person or virtual therapy.

Booking a session with our anger management therapist is easy and flexible, with several options. You can call our office, and a team member can book you with the best fit-in therapist. We'll review insurance information and a few simple policies and email you a confirmation of your session date and time, whether in-person or virtual. Or you can select your ideal anger management therapist from our website, select a session time that works for you, and we'll reach out to you to confirm your appointment details.

We have a flexible cancellation policy. You can call our office or reach out to your anger management therapist/counselor 24 hours or more before your online therapy session time to cancel or reschedule any appointment at no extra cost.

Anger management treatment is often a long-term process that can help in improving overall mental health. It has been demonstrated that therapy can enhance overall wellbeing and is associated with healthy adjustments to the brain and body. There is never a guaranteed one-stop "cure," but therapy can certainly induce more positive lifestyle changes over time.

We accept several major commercial insurance plans, including Blue Cross Blue Shield, Aetna, Cigna, United Healthcare, Tricare, Medicare, and others. If you don't see your insurance listed, we would be happy to verify your benefits to see if we can accept them, and if not, we can offer you an affordable self-pay rate.

At Lifebulb, we operate without any ongoing membership or fees. We believe that everyone deserves to receive the best online therapy service experience. Thus, we believe those benefits should come free of any ongoing out-of-pocket fees simply for engaging in anger management therapy. With us, your only session costs will be those set by your insurance provider or our affordable self-pay rate.

While many practices accept only self-pay clients or out-of-network benefits, at Lifebulb, we aim to keep your costs low by accepting most major insurance plans. Often the out-of-pocket expense per online therapy session is a low co-pay determined by your specific insurance provider and plan. We are also willing to offer a self-pay rate lower than many practices for those without insurance or simply preferring not to use their healthcare benefits for in-person or virtual anger management therapy.

At Lifebulb, we are extremely picky about who we hire to help you achieve your therapy goals. But we understand that every anger management therapist may not be the perfect match for every client. If your therapy experience is less than what you hoped for, we will help you get someone you would much rather prefer.

Our anger management therapist takes the responsibility of maintaining your privacy seriously. Lifebulb is subject to HIPAA guidelines, which means that we are subject to all HIPAA rules and regulations. If you have any questions (or recommendations) about our privacy and security practices, we are all ears! Contact us at

Therapists that don't enjoy their workplace are often, unfortunately, unable to provide their clients with the best possible level of counseling and therapy. That's why at Lifebulb, our anger management therapists are our top priority. This means that your counselor or therapist can provide you, their client, with the best treatments for anger because they enjoy the work they do in session with you, where they work, and who they work with.

Our online therapy sessions are all conducted by our therapist aid anger management in private spaces, and our video platform is contained within our HIPAA-compliant Electronic Health Records system, so your face, voice, and data are always private and protected.

Lifebulb is considered a covered entity under HIPAA guidelines, which means we are subject to all HIPAA rules and regulations. If you have any questions (or recommendations) about our privacy and security practices, we want to help. Contact us at

Our Resources

Look over our expansive list of carefully curated resources to learn about anger management.