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Therapy for ADHD: Symptoms, Causes, Types and Treatment Options

therapy for adhd

Do you ever feel restless, and your brain constantly jumps from one subject to another, making it hard for you to focus or complete a task? If your answer to this is yes, then you might have ADHD, a condition that affects an individual's behavior, attention, learning, etc. However, you can still recover from ADHD with the proper ADHD treatment and the support of an ADHD counselor.

Medication is usually one of the primary treatments for adults and children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Still, therapy for ADHD can benefit those who want additional support or do not want to take medication since medicines might give you quick and temporary relief. However, therapy for ADHD can improve your chances of recovery in the long run. If you want to know more about ADHD therapy or ADHD counseling, then read along to have clarity about these doubts.

What is ADHD?


ADHD, also known as attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, is a neurodevelopmental condition primarily affecting children. It is typically diagnosed in childhood and can last into adulthood. ADHD symptoms include inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsiveness. It is regarded as a chronic and debilitating disorder that affects many aspects of an individual's life, including academic and professional accomplishments, relationships with others, and everyday functioning.

What are the Symptoms and Causes of ADHD You Should Look Out for?

ADHD is a complex disorder with many symptoms and causes. While genetics play a role, environmental factors such as prenatal exposure to toxins may also contribute to its development. Some symptoms and causes of ADHD are as follows:

  • Symptoms
  1. Inattention: difficulty staying focused, forgetfulness, trouble completing tasks
  2. Hyperactivity: restlessness, fidgeting, excessive talking
  3. Impulsivity: acting without thinking, interrupting others, difficulty waiting for one's turn
  4. Problem with organization and planning
  5. Forgetfulness and losing things
  6. Difficulty following instructions or finishing tasks
  7. Easily distracted
  • Causes
  1. Genetics: ADHD tends to run in families, and studies have identified several genes that may be involved in its development
  2. Brain development: research suggests that differences in brain structure and function may contribute to ADHD
  3. Environmental factors: prenatal exposure to toxins such as lead, alcohol, and tobacco has been linked to an increased risk of ADHD
  4. Premature birth or low birth weight: studies have found that children born prematurely or with a low birth weight are at higher risk for ADHD
  5. Brain injury or trauma: some research suggests that brain injuries or trauma may increase the risk of ADHD

What are Some Types of ADHD?

ADHD manifests itself in three ways, depending on which kinds of symptoms are dominant in a person, though therapy for all of them is generally the same. The types of ADHD are as follows:

  • ADHD, impulsive/hyperactive type

This is the rarest type of ADHD, characterized by impulsive and hyperactive behaviors with no inattention or distractibility. Fidgeting, excessive energy, not staying still, and talkativeness are all examples of hyperactivity that you might face if you have ADHD. Impulsivity refers to decisions or actions done without considering the consequences. Six or five of the following symptoms are common in this form of ADHD diagnosis:

  1. Fidgets or taps their hands or feet or squirms in their spot.
  2. Unable to remain seated.
  3. Runs around or climbs in places where it is not suitable.
  4. Inability to play or engage in leisure pursuits quietly.
  5. Always on the move and restless.
  6. They talk a lot.
  7. Answers a question before it has been completed.
  8. Has trouble waiting for their turn, such as when standing in line.
  9. Interrupts or interferes with others.
  • ADHD, inattentive and distractible type

Inattentiveness relates to difficulties with staying on task, focusing, and organizing. This form of ADHD is distinguished by symptoms such as inattention and distractibility rather than hyperactivity. Six or five of the following symptoms are common in this form of ADHD diagnosis:

  1. Pays little attention to details and makes careless errors in school or job.
  2. Has difficulty focusing on duties or activities, like during lectures, conversations, or lengthy reading.
  3. When spoken to, they do not appear to respond.
  4. Does not carry out instructions and fails to finish schoolwork, chores, or job responsibilities.
  5. They have difficulty organizing chores and work.
  6. Avoids or dislikes jobs requiring sustained mental effort, such as writing reports and filling out forms.
  7. Frequently misplaces items required for tasks or everyday living, such as school papers, books, keys, wallet, phone, and eyeglasses.
  8. They are readily swayed.
  9. Forgets about everyday tasks like chores and errands.
  10. Adults and older teens may neglect to return phone calls, pay bills, or maintain appointments.

If you show any of these signs, you must look for therapy for ADHD at the earliest.

  • ADHD, combined type

This is the most prevalent form of ADHD. It is diagnosed when both inattentive and hyperactive/impulsive criteria are fulfilled, resulting in a mix of impulsive and hyperactive behaviors as well as inattention and distractibility.

What are Some Types of Therapy for ADHD?


There are various types of ADHD therapy, though some approaches may differ between children and adults. Working with a mental health therapist may be beneficial for people with ADHD. The following are the most used therapies for ADHD:

  • Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)

Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is widely regarded as the highest standard for ADHD psychotherapy. There are some ADHD-specific CBT techniques available. The primary aim is to get you to reflect on your thoughts, feelings, and behavior. This can assist you with improving your everyday life struggles, such as procrastination, time management issues, and poor planning. CBT therapist helps you in developing new coping strategies as well as identify emotions and behaviors that interfere with the implementation of these strategies.

  • Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy

This form of ADHD therapy may be beneficial because of how meditation and mindfulness affect the brain. Some potential benefits are reduced daydreaming and distractibility due to improved brain functioning, which modulates attention, learning to recognize emotional states, emotional regulation, and enhanced executive functioning.

  • Dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT)

Another therapy commonly used for individuals with ADHD is dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT). This form of ADHD therapy focuses on teaching individuals how to manage their ADHD symptoms through the following modules: Mindfulness, Emotion Regulation, Interpersonal Effectiveness and Distress Tolerance, Impulsivity/Hyperactivity, and Attention. Those who received this treatment did better than others.

  • ADHD coaching

While not strictly psychotherapy, ADHD coaching is gaining popularity as a way for people with ADHD to manage symptoms and improve their quality of life. Though there is no set procedure, this type of life coaching typically includes goal-setting and homework, discussion of triumphs and setbacks, and problem-solving. Coaches use text messages, emails, and phone calls to remind clients of their goals. People are urged to use self-rewards or rewards from others.

  • Supportive psychotherapy

Supportive therapy is a type of therapy for ADHD that assists clients in optimizing their existing coping skills so that these strategies can be used to reduce stress and control complaints, such as time management and organization. This form of ADHD therapy is very patient-driven and symptom-focused, such as anxiety or coursework management.

  • Interpersonal therapy

Interpersonal therapy is usually used to address issues that have arisen between a client and others due to misunderstandings caused by their ADHD symptoms. A critical aspect of this type of therapy for ADHD is that the therapist can use it to help you determine the difference between how you feel and how behaviors impact others. This form of ADHD counseling can also tackle personal issues related to your ability to cope with your ADHD symptoms, like the feeling of failure or low self-esteem.

  • Group therapy

Group therapy can help individuals with ADHD learn from others dealing with similar challenges and how they have dealt with or overcome them. It instructs group members on how to plan, start and end activities, make lifestyle changes, and solve problems in these areas. It employs a combination of techniques in the live sessions and doing homework outside of groups. Mindfulness meditation is also used to help group members reduce stress and boost attention.

  • Narrative therapy

Narrative therapy is beneficial in helping individuals with ADHD reduce self-stigma. Many people with ADHD believe they are lazy and underachieving, which leads them to question the point of trying. Narrative therapy helps you externalize your problems so that the lack of focus becomes the issue rather than yourself. This form of ADHD counseling allows you to focus on your strengths rather than their difficulties.

What is ADHD Therapy for Children and Adults?

For children with ADHD, therapy is usually delivered in two ways: by parents and by teachers, each for different reasons. Regardless of who is in charge, both of these techniques are collaborative, with parents and teachers working together.

Treatment for adults with ADHD will vary from treatment for children with ADHD. Adult ADHD treatments usually include medication, instruction, skill training, and psychological counseling. Often, a combination of these is the most successful treatment.

How Can You Find the Right ADHD Counselor?

It is critical to find the right ADHD counselor to manage symptoms and improve overall well-being effectively. Consider the counselor's experience with ADHD, credentials, and whether or not they specialize in this field. Checking their licensing and training is also essential to ensure they have the right qualifications for helping. Requesting referrals from trusted sources can help you find the right therapist. A strong working relationship with a counselor who knows ADHD and offers evidence-based treatments can help manage symptoms and improve the overall quality of life. Take your time in locating the best counselor for you.


A strong working connection with a counselor who understands ADHD and provides evidence-based treatments can aid in symptom management and overall quality of life. This is the type of service we hope to offer at Lifebulb Therapy. For assistance, expert guidance, and ADHD counseling services, please visit our website. (100 words)

Frequently Asked Questions

The symptoms of ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) vary from person to person but typically fall into three categories: inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity. Some common symptoms of inattention include forgetfulness, difficulty staying organized, trouble following instructions, and distractibility. Hyperactivity symptoms may include restlessness, excessive talking, fidgeting, and difficulty staying still. Impulsivity symptoms may consist of interrupting others, acting without thinking, and taking risks without considering the consequences.

The exact cause of ADHD is unknown, but research suggests that it is a combination of genetic, neurological, and environmental factors. Studies have shown that children with ADHD differ in the structure and function of some brain regions responsible for attention and impulse control. Additionally, environmental factors, such as exposure to toxins or a traumatic brain injury, may increase the risk of ADHD.

There are several types of therapy that can be effective for treating ADHD, including behavioral therapy, cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), and family therapy. Behavioral therapy focuses on teaching individuals with ADHD specific skills and strategies to manage their symptoms, such as improving time management and organization. CBT helps individuals change negative thought patterns and behaviors that may be contributing to their ADHD symptoms. Family therapy can help improve communication and address any issues impacting the family dynamic.

Yes, therapy can be helpful for adults with ADHD. While ADHD is often considered a childhood disorder, many individuals struggle with symptoms into adulthood. Treatment can be beneficial in improving time management, organization, and communication skills, as well as addressing any co-occurring mental health conditions that may be present.

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