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Couples Counseling in Alpharetta, GA

Relationships provide some of life's most rewarding experiences, but they also come with their share of difficulties. Whether you're starting a new chapter, gearing up for a major milestone, or have shared countless years together, Lifebulb's couples therapy in Alpharetta can steer your relationship toward unity, confidence, and joy.

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What is Couples Therapy?

Couples therapy in Alpharetta provides a secure and nonjudgmental environment for couples to address issues, plan for the future, or mend past wounds. Seeking couples therapy doesn't signify that your relationship is destined to fail; on the contrary, over 90% of couples who undergo counseling with a licensed therapist report improved emotional well-being and greater relationship contentment. We provide affordable couples therapy sessions, ensuring you will always have access to the support you need.

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How Can Couples Therapy in Alpharetta Support You?

Couples therapy in Alpharetta is open to everyone, whether it's a final effort to salvage a relationship or a proactive step in your journey together. Couples counseling in Alpharetta can provide guidance for various essential topics, including:
Learn How Therapy Can Help

Establishing healthy dynamics and roles within a relationship can be challenging. Couples therapy helps you navigate these roles to prevent unhealthy patterns from developing.

Managing finances as a couple can be complex, especially when dealing with differing spending habits. Couples counseling in Alpharetta offers a safe space to address financial matters and find common ground.

Every individual has unique perspectives, which can lead to conflicts when they strongly differ. Couples therapy in Alpharetta helps you navigate these differences constructively.

Different future goals, such as family planning, lifestyle choices, and retirement plans, can strain relationships. Couples counseling assists in aligning your visions for the future.

Problems in this area can be challenging to address. Couples therapy near Alpharetta provides a supportive environment to discuss and improve your sexual and emotional connection.

External factors like health issues, demanding work schedules, or long-distance relationships can impact couples. An Alpharetta couples therapist can help you navigate these challenges effectively.

Do You Need Couples Therapy?

People don’t come to Alpharetta’s expert couples counseling just to fix a failing relationship. Couples seek out our licensed couple therapists to strengthen their relationship, prepare for an upcoming transition, or work through conflict points. You could benefit from couples counseling if you are experiencing:

  • Frequent or recurring arguments
  • Constantly feeling misunderstood
  • Lack of romantic and/or sexual intimacy
  • Emotional withdrawal
  • Trust Issues
  • Disagreements about roles and responsibilities
  • A recent transition is putting stress on your communication

Does Couples Therapy Work?

Is couples therapy actually effective? Yes! Research indicates that couples therapy has effectively resolved issues for 70-90% of couples across 12-25 sessions with a licensed couples therapy counselor. Lifebulb provides the best couples therapy in the Alpharetta region, allowing you and your partner to benefit from:

  • Better communication
  • Decreased conflict
  • Stronger attraction
  • Peaceful coexistence
  • Less disconnect
  • Stronger trust
  • Higher relationship satisfaction

Types of Couple Therapy

Each couple is unique and will seek couples therapy for various reasons. At Lifebulb, our couples therapy sessions prioritize you and your relationship, meaning the techniques employed by your Alpharetta couples therapist will be tailored to your specific goals and background. Commonly utilized, research-backed couples therapy approaches encompass:

Imago couples therapy

While its name may sound unique, Imago couples therapy is a highly effective therapeutic approach. It centers on identifying and resolving conflicts between partners to address misunderstandings, minimize discord, and enhance communication. This solution-focused method has gained popularity among Alpharetta couples therapists, and is best used for couples who are seeking to increase empathy and understanding between themselves.

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Gottman Method

The Gottman Method represents another widely embraced couples counseling approach. It concentrates on fortifying the connection between partners by challenging harmful communication patterns; boosting intimacy, respect, and affection; generating a sense of progression; and nurturing empathy and comprehension. In Alpharetta, couples counselors use the Gottman Method to give their clients the tools they need to take their relationship far into the future with healthy coping mechanisms and a strong understanding of each other.

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Emotionally-Focused Therapy for Couples

Emotionally-Focused Therapy, often referred to as EFT, places a strong emphasis on our emotions and their underlying messages. Emotionally-Focused Therapy guides you in navigating, embracing, enduring, and ultimately comprehending your emotions, all with the aim of fulfilling their requirements. As we become more adept at comprehending our own emotions, we take a significant stride toward understanding and embracing our partner's emotions as well.

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Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) for Couples

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) for couples aids in tackling the concealed, harmful thought patterns that can sow discord in our relationships. These negative and unfounded thoughts can escalate into unwarranted accusations and arguments. CBT in couples counseling empowers you to stop these untrue thoughts, preventing them from tainting a healthy relationship, and enabling you to see your relationship with greater clarity.

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Treatment Process
Appointment for online therapy Alpharetta

Call us, or book an appointment for online therapy, online counseling Alpharetta today!

Our team of counselors in Alpharetta will assist you with treatment plans that can help build a positive attitude towards fighting mental health issues.
Find a Therapist Call for therapy 770-202-0770

Meet Our Team of Couples Counselors in Alpharetta, GA

In Alpharetta, we have the best couples counselors who will provide cost-effective, licensed counseling services. Your relationship deserves the best, and Lifebulb's couples counseling can help you get there.

How to Build a Relationship that Lasts

Alpharetta couples counseling offers tailored support for you and your partner, but there are also universally applicable techniques for nurturing a healthy relationship. If you're seeking ways to enhance your relationship satisfaction from home, consider these strategies:

  • Spend Time With Yourself: You were in a relationship with yourself before you ever met your partner, and that relationship still needs love, time, and attention. Are there any hobbies you have stopped engaging in since meeting your partner? Any shows, music, styles, or podcasts you’ve been neglecting recently? Shifting your hobbies to match those of your partner is normal, but remember to carve out some quality time with yourself, too.
  • Set Expectations and Boundaries Before Conflict—Communication is key. It’s a cliche to say, but only because it’s true. As the best couples counselors in Alpharetta will tell you, the more you communicate the less you will argue. By communicating with your partner your boundaries, pet peeves, annoyances, and expectations before you naturally encounter them, you’re ensuring your partner won’t feel blindsided by sudden requests or anger.
  • Recognize Effort—Relationships are work, and it always feels good to be praised for a job well done. If you see your partner going out of their way to show you their love, meet a request, or respect a boundary, let them know that you see them and you appreciate them.
  • Sprinkle in Novelty—Complacency kills relationships. Don’t let it by setting the intention to do something new and exciting with your partner every now and then. It could be as simple as trying a new restaurant or going for a walk down a new road, or something extravagant like taking a trip together or engaging in a new hobby.
  • Take Responsibility—We’re all human and so we’re going to mess up. Part of being in a relationship is learning how to apologize and accept apologies. The first step of apologies though is learning how to take responsibility. You don’t have to take the blame, as that implies guilt and a moral high ground. But take responsibility for when you get snappish, cross a boundary on accident, or forget to fulfill expectations in a way your partner asked. These aren’t big mistakes, they’re just part of being human.
  • Prioritize Date Night—Don’t let that spark of romance go out by prioritizing date night. Whether it’s once a week or once a month, set aside a time to do something fun and intentional together. This doesn’t have to be expensive—it could be as simple as a picnic or cooking dinner with each other. Talk with each other about what date night means to you and brainstorm ideas well in advance. When the day comes, check in with each other about energy levels and desires for where the night leads.
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Insurance We Accept

We are dedicated to making therapy accessible to everyone in Alpharetta, which is why we welcome most major commercial insurance plans. If you don't find your insurance listed, we'd be delighted to confirm your benefits to explore acceptance. If that's not feasible, we provide an affordable self-pay option.

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What Our Clients Are Saying

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As a mother of two little ones, I’ve finally found a trusted place I can come to that values where I’m at in life. Lifebulb is there to help you find those open doors you’ve been having trouble searching for. The counselors are encouraging, helpful and understanding, I highly recommend them.


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A really nice place - beautiful and comfortable and it’s great to have the option of online or in person!


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The group at Lifebulb truly care about helping people. The passion behind what they do is evident in the way they care for others and Im so thankful for their presence in our community! If your looking for quality counseling from professionals who care, your in the right place


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Alyssa in scheduling was awesome.

Bob Whitfield

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It's so good to have someone to objectively listen and help us solve our problems. Thank you


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The folks at Lifebulb have a genuine desire to help people. You won't find a better group of counselors in this area!


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Easy to use website that includes lots of information even insurance and payment info. They offer a wide variety of services including life coaching, counseling and psychiatry. You can get all of your needs met in one place


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Frequently Asked Questions

Our Counselors | Insurance Coverage | Services Offered | Privacy

Mental health is just as important as physical health, and seeking professional help can sometimes be necessary to tackle life's challenges. Lifebulb Therapy & Counseling in Alpharetta, GA offers a wide range of mental health services to help individuals overcome their struggles. Our services include but not limited to:

If you are searching for a supportive and empathetic counseling team, look no further than Lifebulb Counseling.

There are several options to book an appointment for counseling in Alpharetta. You can call our office and talk to a team member who will find a licensed therapist for you. We’ll look over your insurance information and go over a few simple policies before emailing you a confirmation of your session date and time. Or, you can review our list of expert therapists in Alpharetta, find one that you think would be best for you, and then you can select a session time all from our website. We will reach out shortly to confirm your appointment details.

Taking the step to reach out to a therapist takes courage, and it can be disheartening to take that leap and then spend weeks or months on a waitlist. We believe in connecting you with a therapist quickly, so we’ve made the process as easy as possible. If you know what you’re looking for, you can browse our Alpharetta therapists’ bios to find the right fit for you and schedule a session through our website. Or, you can call our office and a team member will make sure you’re matched with the right therapist for you and your goals. Choosing the right therapist is important—they’ll be the ones to come up with an individualized treatment plan and help you reach your mental healthcare goals.

For all mental health emergencies, please call 911. Lifebulb is not a crisis center and our therapists and counselors do not provide emergency services. However, we understand that urgent, non emergency matters happen. All clients are given direct email and phone access to their Alpharetta therapist, who will do their best to respond as quickly as possible. If your treatment plan requires more frequent interactions, your therapist can provide you with outside resources.

We have a flexible cancellation policy. Call our office or reach out to your therapist at least 24 hours before your therapy session time to cancel or reschedule any appointment at no cost.

Maintaining your privacy is a serious matter. Lifebulb is considered a covered entity under HIPAA guidelines, which means we are subject to all HIPAA rules and regulations. If you have any questions (or recommendations) about our privacy and security practices, we want to help. Contact us at

No, Lifebulb never records online therapy sessions and always uses a private line.

Yes! Lifebulb believes in affordable therapy. We accept most major commercial insurance plans and offer an affordable self-pay rate. For more information, call our team.

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