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Opposition Defiant Disorder Treatment

Opposition Defiant Disorder Treatment for Opposition Defiant Behaviours

Children with ODD exhibit angry outbursts and have difficulty controlling their temper. Our ODD therapists help devise coping & support strategies that can improve your child's development.

Find a Therapist 855-722-4422
Signs and symptoms

What Are the Symptoms of Opposition Defiant Disorder?

Children with ODD display challenging behaviors for parents and educators. Counseling offers a safe environment to share and address potential symptoms, including:

  • Argumentative & defiant behavior

  • Vindictiveness

  • Habit of questioning

  • Blame others for mistakes

  • Anger & irritability

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Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) can cause hyperactivity, problem focusing, tiredness, impulsivity, & inattentiveness. You may encounter some of these symptoms if you have Opposition defiant disorder.

  • Having trouble concentrating on tasks
  • Being forgetful about finishing tasks
  • Being easily diverted
  • Problem sitting still
  • Interrupting people while they’re speaking
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Conduct disorder

Conduct disorder

Children and adolescents with the disorder have a problem following rules & behaving in a socially acceptable manner. They may appear confident, but they feel insecure & inaccurately believe that people are aggressive or threatening. Symptoms include:

  • Aggressive conduct
  • Deceitful behavior
  • Destructive behavior
  • Violation of rules
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Major depressive disorder causes you to experience sorrow, loneliness, or a loss of curiosity in things you once enjoyed. This overlapping can make it more difficult for experts to identify ODD in teens and young adults.

  • Unexplained Pain
  • Changes in Appetite
  • Too Much or Too Little Sleep
  • Moodiness and Irritability
  • Inability to Concentrate
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Bipolar disorder

Bipolar disorder

Bipolar disorder is a mental health disorder characterized by extreme shifts in mood. These mood swings can affect sleep, vitality, activity, judgment, behavior, and the ability to think clearly. When your child becomes depressed, they may feel sad or hopeless and lose interest or pleasure in most activities.

  • Acting very sad or crying frequently
  • Showing no signs of interest in anything
  • Feelings of worthlessness or guilt
  • Eating too little or too much
  • Thoughts of death or suicide
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Disruptive mood dysregulation disorder

Disruptive mood dysregulation disorder

DMDD is a psychiatric condition. It’s typically only diagnosed in children. In DMDD, the disruption in mood is observable to others as anger and irritability. The key signs of DMDD that set it apart from other psychiatric conditions include:

  • Severe temper tantrums
  • Chronically irritable or angry mood every day
  • Behavioral problems in school or at home
  • Physical violence
  • Verbal aggression
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Antisocial personality disorder

Antisocial personality disorder

Individuals with antisocial personality disorder (ASPD) have a mental health disorder that causes patterns of manipulation & violation of others around them. It starts during childhood or early adolescence & continues into adulthood. People with ASPD display a long-term pattern of:

  • Being angry often
  • Not showing guilt or remorse
  • Disregarding the law
  • Violating the rights of others
  • Manipulating and exploiting others
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Meet Our Opposition Defiant Disorder Therapists

Our ODD therapists aim to provide your child with a nurturing, supportive, and consistent environment to cope with symptoms and prevent episodes of defiant behavior.

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By loving them for more than their abilities, we show our children that they are much more than the sum of their accomplishments.


Eileen Kennedy-Moore

What are the Types of Opposition Defiant Disorder Treatment

The right diagnosis can lead to the most effective treatment. Our therapists build a positive relationship with your child & devise effective treatment plans tailored to the needs and behavioral symptoms.

Anger Management Therapy

Children who struggle with emotional regulation find it challenging to control their anger. Anger management can teach goal-setting, effective problem-solving, relaxation techniques, trigger identification, and recognition of outcomes.

Anger management is one of the best treatments for ODD. It can help children identify stressors & learn steps that allow them to stay calm and respond socially appropriately.

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Individual Therapy

Individual therapy can assist a child in learning new skills, such as anger management & impulse control. Individual therapy aims to expand understanding of one’s thought & behavior patterns to help improve well-being. In therapy, children can learn how to manage stress & troubling situations effectively.

They may develop proficiency to make healthy decisions, set plans & become more self-aware.

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Cognitive Problem-Solving Training

This opposition defiant disorder treatment helps your child identify and change thought patterns that lead to behavior problems.

It's where you and your child work together with a therapist to develop solutions that work for both of you — can help improve ODD-related problems.

With ODD therapy, your counselor can assist your child in improving their overall quality of life & reducing the negative impact of psychological and physical illness.

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Family Therapy

Family therapy may help enhance your communication & relationships & help members of your family learn how to function together.

It allows parents & children to express themselves more effectively while fostering positive parenting skills. It's also highly effective against the challenges that opposition defiant disorder presents.

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Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT)

Parent-child interaction therapy is a behavior-based ODD therapy designed to help enhance the parent-child relationship through interaction.

In this therapy, child-directed interaction can help promote the growth of effective parenting techniques & reductions in behavior problems leading to a stronger familial relationship.

As a result, parents learn more-effective parenting practices, the quality of the parent-child relationship enhances, and concerning behaviors decrease.

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Social Skills Training

People with ODD have more trouble developing solutions to social challenges, such as a fight with a schoolmate, breaking the rules, and insulting parents or elders.

Your therapist may ask your child which social interactions they find most challenging or which skills they feel could be improved. This process aims to determine the best targets for social skills training for your particular situation.

Approaches that teach social skills and enable creative problem-solving can support healthy relationships & prevent problems at school and work.

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What are the Types of Opposition Defiant Disorder Treatment
Lead to Better Outcomes with Opposition Defiant Disorder Treatment

Treatment & support for ODD can help improve symptoms. It can enhance their relationships, help them succeed at school, & decrease the likelihood they will have serious mental health issues in adulthood.

How It Works

With treatment, children & adolescents can overcome the behavioral symptoms of ODD. Our therapists help them develop more effective coping, social, and problem-solving skills to express and control anger.

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How it Works

Insurance We Accept

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Horizon BCBS logo
keystone-ins logo
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Optum Health logo
Tricare East logo
umr logo
United Healthcare logo

Meet Your Therapist

Oppositional defiant disorder treatment can help people with ODD nurture happy relationships, get along with peers, & excel at work & school. Our therapists help you to understand ODD & manage feelings of defiance and opposition.

Online Therapy

With online ODD therapy, you can begin to make changes and help your child find greater success from the comfort of your home. Our therapists build a positive relationship with your child & providing positive reinforcement and engagement to overcome ODD.

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Our Resources

Read our resources on Oppositional Defiant Disorder treatment & related topics that might interest you.