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Mindfulness-Based Counseling in Newark

We offer mindfulness counseling services in Newark to help you find balance and peace in your life. Our experienced counselors are dedicated to helping you find the tools and techniques to help you manage stress, anxiety, and other life challenges. We provide a safe and supportive environment to help you explore your feelings and emotions and to help you find the balance and peace you need.
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What is Mindfulness Counseling?

Mindfulness Counseling for Men

Mindfulness counseling is an excellent tool for dealing with stress, anxiety, and depression. With the help of a mindfulness counselor in Newark, men can learn to become more present in their daily lives, developing a keen awareness and acceptance of their thoughts and emotions.

Mindfulness Counseling for Women

As women, we often carry the world's weight on our shoulders. We juggle careers, family, and relationships, all while trying to maintain a healthy and happy life. It's no wonder we can feel stressed, anxious, and overwhelmed at times. If these feelings resonate with you, consider the benefits of mindfulness counseling.

Mindfulness Counseling for Children

From navigating social relationships to academic pressures, young minds constantly face a barrage of challenges. That's why mindfulness counseling for children has become increasingly popular in recent years. By teaching kids to be present in the moment and to observe their thoughts and emotions, mindfulness counselors can help them develop coping mechanisms and improve their overall well-being.


Stress and Anxiety

Mindfulness techniques can help individuals manage stress and reduce anxiety by teaching them to be present in the moment and develop a more balanced perspective on their thoughts and feelings.


Mindfulness practices can aid in reducing symptoms of depression by promoting a greater awareness of negative thought patterns and emotions, and fostering a sense of acceptance and self-compassion.

Emotional Regulation

Mindfulness can teach individuals how to navigate their emotions more skillfully, allowing them to respond to difficult situations with greater emotional balance and resilience.

Trauma and PTSD

Mindfulness-based interventions like Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) or Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) have shown promise in helping individuals cope with traumatic experiences and manage the symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder.

Chronic Pain

Mindfulness can be used as part of pain management strategies, helping individuals develop a new relationship with pain and reduce suffering associated with chronic pain conditions.

Relationship Issues

Mindfulness counseling can improve communication and emotional regulation within relationships by fostering empathy, active listening, and non-reactive responses.

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What Are The Various Mindfulness Counseling Approaches?

Believe you can, and you're halfway there. Our mindfulness counselors will help you with a customized treatment plan to address your concerns.

Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR)

MBSR is an evidence-based program that teaches mindfulness meditation to reduce stress, manage pain, and enhance overall well-being. It's often used for various physical and psychological issues.

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Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT)

MBCT combines mindfulness practices with elements of cognitive therapy. It's designed to prevent relapse in individuals who have recovered from depression by helping them recognize and manage negative thought patterns.

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Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT)

DBT incorporates mindfulness skills as part of a comprehensive therapy approach to treat borderline personality disorder and other conditions involving emotion dysregulation. It focuses on mindfulness, interpersonal effectiveness, emotional regulation, and distress tolerance.

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Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)

ACT emphasizes acceptance of thoughts and emotions while encouraging commitment to meaningful values and actions. Mindfulness is a core component of ACT, helping individuals create psychological flexibility and reduce the impact of unhelpful thoughts.

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Mindful Self-Compassion (MSC)

MSC is a program designed to teach individuals to be more compassionate toward themselves through mindfulness and self-kindness. It's beneficial for individuals struggling with self-criticism and low self-esteem.

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Mindful Movement Practices

It include activities like yoga which combine physical movement with mindfulness techniques to promote relaxation, flexibility, and body awareness.

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Very kind and professional! Love that fact that they offer online therapy if you cannot make it to an in person appointment!


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So, I cannot say enough good things about Lifebulb. The owners care so much and are 110% dedicated to helping people and hiring staff that care for people not just a chart or a number. This is so needed in todays crazy world. If you just need to vent, get a new perspective on an issue your having, or get weekly counseling this is the place to go.


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What a great resource of help and encouragement in Cherry Hill. Professional therapy and counseling for all ages is hard to come by and it’s difficult to reach out in this disconnected world. I would highly recommend Lifebulb for anyone looking for someone to talk to. They want to help!


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It's so good to have someone to objectively listen and help us solve our problems. Thank you


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They are wonderful and really have a heart to help people!


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I highly recommend Lifebulb. This resource helps connect people to professional counselors which is so helpful especially in days like these. Its so incredibly important to have a good counselor to talk with. A good counselor will connect with you and talk you through lifes problems and situations as they arise. A good counselor will also help you process and understand things from a healthy perspective. Its so helpful to have a professional insight and not just biased personal opinions like what family and friends sometimes offer. Its so important to process our thoughts in a healthy way, talking things out and putting all the peices together so we can have a clear picture, a goal and more targeted communication which helps all our relationships. Wishing all reading this review you find someone you can connect with and learn from and grow into your best you.


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The group at Lifebulb truly care about helping people. The passion behind what they do is evident in the way they care for others and Im so thankful for their presence in our community! If your looking for quality counseling from professionals who care, your in the right place


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Mental health is just as important as physical health, and seeking professional help can sometimes be necessary to tackle life's challenges. Lifebulb Therapy & Counseling in Newark, NJ offers a wide range of mental health services to help individuals overcome their struggles. Our services include but not limited to:

If you are searching for a supportive and empathetic counseling team, look no further than Lifebulb Counseling.

Mindfulness counseling is a therapeutic approach that combines traditional counseling techniques with mindfulness practices. It involves incorporating mindfulness principles and techniques into the counseling process to help individuals manage their thoughts, emotions, and behaviors more effectively. The goal of mindfulness counseling is to promote self-awareness, emotional regulation, and overall well-being. Reach out to a Mindfulness Counselor in Newark to learn more!

Mindfulness counseling, Newark MBCT counseling offers a wide range of benefits for individuals seeking to improve their mental, emotional, and overall well-being. Here are some of the key benefits associated with mindfulness counseling:

Stress Reduction: Mindfulness techniques help individuals manage and reduce stress by promoting relaxation and teaching them how to respond to stressful situations with greater calmness and clarity.

Anxiety and Depression Management: Mindfulness can be effective in reducing symptoms of anxiety and depression by helping individuals become more aware of their thought patterns and emotions, and by teaching them how to relate to these experiences in a healthier way.

Emotional Regulation: Mindfulness counseling helps individuals develop skills to manage their emotions more effectively, leading to greater emotional balance and resilience in facing challenges.

Increased Self-Awareness: Practicing mindfulness encourages individuals to become more attuned to their thoughts, feelings, and bodily sensations, leading to a deeper understanding of themselves.

Improved Focus and Concentration: Mindfulness practices enhance attention and concentration,

Mindfulness counseling, Mindfulness Counseling in Newark integrates mindfulness techniques and principles into the traditional counseling process. Here's how it generally works:

Assessment and Goal Setting: The counseling process begins with an assessment where the counselor and client discuss the client's concerns, goals, and areas they want to work on. This helps the counselor tailor the mindfulness approach to the client's needs.

Education: The counselor introduces the concept of mindfulness to the client, explaining its benefits and how it can be applied to their specific challenges. This may involve discussing the principles of present-moment awareness, non-judgment, and self-compassion.

Mindfulness Techniques: The counselor guides the client through various mindfulness techniques, which may include mindfulness meditation, deep breathing exercises, body scans, and other mindfulness practices. These techniques help the client develop the ability to observe their thoughts and emotions without reacting to them.

The cost of mindfulness counseling can vary widely depending on factors such as the counselor's experience, location, type of practice, and the specific services offered. Here are some general points to consider regarding the cost of mindfulness counseling:

Insurance Coverage: Some counselors accept health insurance, which can help offset the cost. Check with your insurance provider to see if mindfulness counseling is covered and to what extent.

Sliding Scale: Some counselors offer a sliding scale fee structure based on your income, making counseling more affordable for those with limited financial resources.

Online Counseling: Virtual counseling platforms offer a range of pricing options. Online sessions can sometimes be more affordable due to reduced overhead costs for the counselor.

At Lifebulb, we accept all major insurances and offer low self-pay rates as well.

During a mindfulness counseling session in Newark, you can expect a supportive and non-judgmental environment where you'll work with a trained counselor to explore your thoughts, emotions, and experiences using mindfulness techniques. Here's what you might experience during a typical session:

Welcoming and Setting: The session will begin with the counselor welcoming you and creating a comfortable atmosphere. You might start by discussing any updates or changes since the last session and briefly setting an intention for the session.

Mindfulness Practice: Depending on the counselor's approach and your needs, the session might include a mindfulness practice. This could involve guided meditation, deep breathing exercises, body scans, or other techniques to help you center yourself and cultivate present-moment awareness.

Check-In: The counselor will likely ask you how you're feeling emotionally, mentally, and physically. This check-in gives you the opportunity to share any recent experiences, challenges, or successes.

Discussion: You and your counselor will engage in a conversation about your experiences during the mindfulness practice. You might explore thoughts, emotions, sensations, and any insights that arose during the practice.

Applying Mindfulness: The counselor may help you apply mindfulness techniques to specific challenges or issues you're facing. This might involve discussing how to approach stressful situations, manage difficult emotions, or change unhelpful thought patterns.

Reflection: Towards the end of the session, you may reflect on the insights gained from the mindfulness practices and discussions. You might also discuss any homework assignments or practices to try between sessions.

Goal Setting: You and your counselor will work together to set goals for your mindfulness practice and overall well-being. These goals might include improving emotional regulation, reducing stress, or enhancing self-awareness.

Feedback and Planning: The session may conclude with your counselor providing feedback, summarizing key points discussed, and planning for the next session. You'll likely have the opportunity to ask questions or clarify any concerns.

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