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Trauma Therapy in Chestnut, PA

Trauma or PTSD can steal your sense of self and make it difficult to continue normal life. Lifebulb's trauma-focused therapy in Chestnut offers tailored support to address these challenges and restore well-being.

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What is Trauma and PTSD Counseling in Chestnut?

Roughly 70% of adults face traumatic events, with 1 in 5 developing PTSD. These experiences can significantly impact mental and physical well-being. However, trauma and PTSD are highly treatable; 70-90% of people who receive trauma-informed care can recover. With specialized PTSD therapy services tailored to individual needs, you can find relief from symptoms. Contact our office today to schedule an appointment with our best trauma therapists in Chestnut

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What is Trauma? What is PTSD?

Trauma is your brain’s natural defense mechanism against something awful. When you experience a trauma, your brain responds with an intense emotional reaction to get you out of the situation safely. Unfortunately, this heightened emotional reaction can have lasting negative impacts. In some cases, your brain will heal on its own given time. However, sometimes the trauma can develop into Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, which is a mental health issue. It can help to distinguish between the types of trauma and PTSD:
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Occurs due to a single, intense traumatic event, such as natural disasters, sexual assault, medical emergencies, physical assault, or mass shootings. Many individuals experience acute trauma without enduring symptoms beyond six months.

Involves recurrent and prolonged traumatic circumstances, like homelessness, poverty, domestic or emotional abuse, or chronic illness, often persisting over an extended period.

Arises from prolonged exposure to traumatic events during childhood, potentially leading to chronic PTSD. Such experiences may include childhood abuse, neglect, recurring sexual or physical assault, enduring poverty or homelessness, or residing in war-torn regions.

Traumatic Stress Disorder is a mental health condition that can develop after a traumatic event. PTSD can last for anywhere from six months to several years. Factors contributing to PTSD susceptibility include prior traumas, a family history of PTSD, limited social support, high chronic stress levels, or lower socioeconomic status.

Where is Trauma Stored in the Body?

PTSD affects mental and physical health. Chestnut's therapy provides a holistic approach to recovery, addressing heightened nervous system alertness and its adverse physical effects, including:

  • Frequent headaches
  • Persistent chronic pain
  • Muscle tension and discomfort
  • Tightness and pain in the chest
  • Profound disassociation
  • Reduced ability to cope with distress
  • Difficulty sleeping
  • Being easily startled
  • Engaging in risky behaviors

How Does Trauma Affect the Brain?

Trauma can often feel like it hijacks your brain, and the loss of control can be frightening. Consult a Chestnut trauma therapist if you experience PTSD or trauma symptoms such as:

  • Flashbacks or bad dreams
  • Dissociation
  • Anxiety, especially surrounding objects of your trauma
  • Avoidance of anything that might remind you of the trauma
  • Difficulty concentrating or a bad brain fog
  • Feeling irritable or experiencing angry outbursts
  • Memory problems, especially relating to the trauma
  • Negative self-talk or view of the world
  • Withdrawing from others
  • Suicidal ideation

Does PTSD Ever Go Away?

Yes; research has indicated that trauma-informed care and specialized PTSD therapy interventions are exceptionally successful in alleviating trauma and PTSD symptoms in around 6 months to 1 year. The PTSD therapists in Chestnut possess extensive expertise in trauma systems therapy, trauma-informed therapy, as well as various other forms of PTSD therapy, including:

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing Therapy (EMDR)

  • Highly Effective Approach: Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing Therapy (EMDR) ranks among the most successful trauma therapy techniques when used in conjunction with other techniques.
  • Bilateral Brain Stimulation: EMDR works by using bilateral brain stimulation. This means it alternately activates both sides of your brain to aid in processing trauma.
  • Accelerated Healing: EMDR acts as a powerful tool for your brain, expediting the healing process during trauma therapy.

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Trauma Systems Therapy

  • Specialized Trauma Therapy for Children: Trauma Systems Therapy is designed specifically for children who have encountered complex traumas.
  • Holistic Approach: This approach not only attends to the child's emotional needs but also takes into consideration their current social situation. The aim is to prevent further harm, provide coping tools, and facilitate healing from prior trauma.
  • Comprehensive Support: Trauma Systems Therapy offers a comprehensive framework to address the unique challenges children face in the aftermath of complex traumas, promoting their well-being and recovery.

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Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT)

  • Tailored Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT): This form of therapy is customized for trauma treatment, and in Chestnut, your trauma psychologist will guide you in cultivating healthy coping mechanisms.
  • Educational Component: Your therapy will include educating yourself about the impact of trauma on your well-being, helping you gain insight into its effects.
  • Challenging Harmful Patterns: Through this therapy, you will work on challenging and reframing the maladaptive thoughts and patterns that trauma may have etched into your brain.

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Narrative Exposure Therapy

  • Tailored for Complex Trauma: This trauma therapy approach in Chestnut is most effective for individuals who have experienced complex or chronic trauma.
  • Compassionate Guidance: A compassionate trauma therapist, whether in an individual or group setting, will assist you in evaluating how the trauma has influenced your decisions and self-identity.
  • Empowering Narrative Reclamation: The ultimate objective is to empower you to regain control of your narrative, recenter yourself within your own story, and foster a sense of agency over your experiences.

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Treatment Process
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Our team of counselors in Chestnut will assist you with treatment plans that can help build a positive attitude towards fighting mental health issues.
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Meet Our Team of Licensed Trauma and PTSD Therapists

Our Chestnut team features highly trained, compassionate, and affordable therapists specializing in PTSD therapy. Connect with a trauma psychologist in your area today.

At-Home Coping Mechanisms for Trauma:

As important as talk therapy is to the trauma recovery process, it’s also important to have the skills and tools to help yourself calm down if you are triggered. Being triggered by a trauma just means your body is thrown into a state of fight-or-flight. When this happens, it is helpful to have coping mechanisms already set up to keep you calm. Some coping mechanisms for trauma include:

  • Create a Safe Space: Designate a calming space at home where you can retreat when symptoms arise. Over time, your body will learn to associate this space with safety.
  • Breathing Techniques: Practice deep breathing exercises to reduce anxiety and stress. For example, try the box breathing method: breathe in, hold your breath, breathe out, hold your breath, and repeat. Hold each step for a count of four.
  • Mindfulness Meditation: Engage in mindfulness meditation to stay grounded and reduce intrusive thoughts. Examples can be art, journaling, or meditation.
  • Stick to a Routine: A structured daily routine can provide stability and predictability. Try to include exercise, eating healthy, adequate sleep, and socializing with loved ones.
  • Journaling: PTSD can create some powerful emotions, and it can be easy to shove down all of them to ignore them. However, this will only prolong the recovery process. Write down your thoughts and emotions to process them effectively. Some people like to free-write and write whatever comes to mind. Others prefer to follow a prompt.
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Alyssa in scheduling was awesome.

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Easy to use website that includes lots of information even insurance and payment info. They offer a wide variety of services including life coaching, counseling and psychiatry. You can get all of your needs met in one place


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What a great resource of help and encouragement in Cherry Hill. Professional therapy and counseling for all ages is hard to come by and it’s difficult to reach out in this disconnected world. I would highly recommend Lifebulb for anyone looking for someone to talk to. They want to help!


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If you want to be supported and heard, then Lifebulb is a great place to go. Their care and guidance are invaluable. Totally recommend!


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So, I cannot say enough good things about Lifebulb. The owners care so much and are 110% dedicated to helping people and hiring staff that care for people not just a chart or a number. This is so needed in todays crazy world. If you just need to vent, get a new perspective on an issue your having, or get weekly counseling this is the place to go.


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As a mother of two little ones, I’ve finally found a trusted place I can come to that values where I’m at in life. Lifebulb is there to help you find those open doors you’ve been having trouble searching for. The counselors are encouraging, helpful and understanding, I highly recommend them.


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Easy to use website to find exactly the counselor I’m looking for. Plenty of available appointments and they take most insurance! Therapy and counseling are so important, and finding quality care easily has been such a relief!


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Mental health is just as important as physical health, and seeking professional help can sometimes be necessary to tackle life's challenges. Lifebulb Therapy & Counseling in Chestnut, PA offers a wide range of mental health services to help individuals overcome their struggles. Our services include but not limited to:

If you are searching for a supportive and empathetic counseling team, look no further than Lifebulb Counseling.

There are several options to book an appointment for counseling in Chestnut. You can call our office and talk to a team member who will find a licensed therapist for you. We’ll look over your insurance information and go over a few simple policies before emailing you a confirmation of your session date and time. Or, you can review our list of expert therapists in Chestnut, find one that you think would be best for you, and then you can select a session time all from our website. We will reach out shortly to confirm your appointment details.

Taking the step to reach out to a therapist takes courage, and it can be disheartening to take that leap and then spend weeks or months on a waitlist. We believe in connecting you with a therapist quickly, so we’ve made the process as easy as possible. If you know what you’re looking for, you can browse our Chestnut therapists’ bios to find the right fit for you and schedule a session through our website. Or, you can call our office and a team member will make sure you’re matched with the right therapist for you and your goals. Choosing the right therapist is important—they’ll be the ones to come up with an individualized treatment plan and help you reach your mental healthcare goals.

For all mental health emergencies, please call 911.

Lifebulb is not a crisis center and our therapists and counselors do not provide emergency services. However, we understand that urgent, non emergency matters happen. All clients are given direct email and phone access to their Chestnut therapist, who will do their best to respond as quickly as possible. If your treatment plan requires more frequent interactions, your therapist can provide you with outside resources.

We have a flexible cancellation policy. Call our office or reach out to your therapist at least 24 hours before your therapy session time to cancel or reschedule any appointment at no cost.

Maintaining your privacy is a serious matter. Lifebulb is considered a covered entity under HIPAA guidelines, which means we are subject to all HIPAA rules and regulations. If you have any questions (or recommendations) about our privacy and security practices, we want to help. Contact us at

No, Lifebulb never records online therapy sessions and always uses a private line.

Yes! Lifebulb believes in affordable therapy. We accept most major commercial insurance plans and offer an affordable self-pay rate. For more information, call our team.

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