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Impulse Control Disorders Counseling

Impulse Control Disorders Counseling for Coping with ICD

The inability of some people to stop themselves from engaging in certain behaviors is referred to as impulse control issues.

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Signs and symptoms

Symptoms of Impulse Control Disorders

Signs of Impulse Control Disorders may include:

  • Compulsive lying

  • Poor social skills

  • Sudden explosive anger or acts of violence

  • Hair pulling

  • Participating in risky sexual behaviors

  • Stealing

  • Isolating oneself from family and friends and others

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Counseling for Oppositional defiant disorder

Counseling for Oppositional defiant disorder

Oppositional defiant disorder (ODD) is a common behavior disorder in children. Those suffering from this condition have difficulty controlling their emotions or behaviors. This disorder affects approximately 2-11% of children in the United States, and it is more common in preadolescent males than females.

People with ODD typically experience symptoms between the ages of 5 and 10, and symptoms may fade as they get older.

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Counseling for Intermittent Explosive Disorder

Counseling for Intermittent Explosive Disorder

IED stands for Intermittent Explosive Disorder.
Intermittent explosive disorder (IED) is most common in late childhood or adolescence. People with this condition experience brief bursts of rage and aggression that appear to be out of proportion to the trigger. Anyone other than the person with IED may not notice the cause.

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Counseling for Conduct Disorder

Counseling for Conduct Disorder

Conduct disorder (CD) is a type of impulse control disorder that typically manifests itself during childhood or adolescence.
Reliable Source. This condition causes people to be rebellious, disobedient, and aggressive.

This disorder affects approximately 2-10% of children and adolescents in the United States, and it is more common in males than females. This condition is also associated with an increased risk of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), mood disorders, and developmental disorders.

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Counseling for Kleptomania

Counseling for Kleptomania

Kleptomaniacs have an urge to take possessions that do not belong to themTrusted Source. The condition can strike at any age and is more likely to strike women than men.

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Counseling for Pyromania

Counseling for Pyromania

Pyromania is an uncommon impulse control disorder in which people become obsessed with fire and all things related to fire. They frequently have a strong desire to set things on fire. Pyromania is more common in teenagers and adults, and males are more likely than females to suffer from it.

People who suffer from pyromania are more likely to suffer from mood disorders and learning disabilities.
It is a mild form of autism that manifests a variety of symptoms. The most common symptoms are difficulties with social and linguistic development.

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Meet Our Experienced Impulse Control Disorders Counselors

Holistic care from our team of experts. The support and guidance you need for your struggle with Impulse Control Disorder is here.

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“Healing doesn't mean the damage never existed. It means that the damage no longer controls your life.”


- Akshay Dubey

Impulse Control Disorders Treatment Process

The best treatment for impulse control disorders is prevention. Counseling is a powerful tool that can help to manage symptoms of the disorder.

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)- Impulse Control Disorders Counseling

CBT can help ICD patients improve their problem-solving and decision-making abilities. CBT may help people with pyromania identify and resist their urges, according to research. CBT is also frequently used to treat kleptomania. According to a 2018 study, people with IED were able to control their anger more effectively after receiving CBT in a group setting.

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Family Therapy and Counseling - Impulse Control Disorders Counseling

For many children and adolescents with ODD and/or CD, family therapy is the preferred treatment. The goal of functional family therapy is to determine how interactions between various family members may contribute to a child's disruptive behaviors.

A similar short-term behavioral intervention, brief strategic family therapy, works to identify repetitive patterns of thinking, relating, and interacting within the family in order to improve relationships and prevent harmful behaviors.

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Parental management training (PMT)- Impulse Control Disorders Counseling

Parental management training (PMT) can help to repair the relationship between parent and child in order to reinforce positive behaviors. PMT, which is most commonly used to treat ODD, CD, or both, focuses on improving parenting skills and promoting quality time.

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Multisystemic therapy (MST)- Impulse Control Disorders Counseling

Multisystemic therapy (MST) is a comprehensive behavioral intervention programme that addresses symptoms of impulse control disorder in all aspects of a child's or adolescent's life. Many influential people, such as parents and other relatives, peers, teachers, and therapists, work together to promote positive behaviors and prevent harmful ones.

MST can take place with the assistance of social workers and mental health professionals in foster care, juvenile detention centers, schools, and homes.

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Social skills training- Impulse Control Disorders Counseling

Social skills training can assist children and adolescents with ODD and/or CD in improving their relationships and everyday interactions, responding appropriately to situations, and communicating more effectively.

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Impulse Control Disorders Treatment Process
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Delve into virtual therapy for your impulse control issues from the comfort of your home. Our therapists provide holistic support for overcoming the disorder and facilitate healing.

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Our online impulse control treatment counseling sessions are all conducted by our counselors in private spaces, and our video platform is contained within our HIPAA-compliant Electronic Health Records system, so your face, voice, and data are always private and protected.

We accept major commercial insurance plans and offer low self-pay rates, which may vary slightly by geography and therapist licensure.

To address impulse control issues, various counseling techniques can be employed, including:

  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) to identify negative thought patterns and beliefs that contribute to impulsive behavior
  • Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) that emphasizes mindfulness and emotional regulation skills to help manage emotions and urges
  • Motivational Interviewing (MI) that helps identify motivations for change
  • Group therapy to receive support and learn from peers with similar experiences
  • Psychoeducation to gain insight into behavior and develop strategies for impulse control.

Symptoms and signs of impulsive disorder:

  • Lighting fires
  • Acts of violence or explosive rage
  • Hair yanking
  • Engaging in risky sexual behavior
  • Stealing
  • Obsessive lying
  • Inadequate social skills
  • Isolation from one's family and friends

Kleptomania and Intermittent Explosive Disorder are two examples of impulse control disorders. Kleptomania is a condition where an individual feels a strong urge to steal items that are not necessary or valuable, and they may experience feelings of guilt or shame after the act. Intermittent explosive disorder is characterized by sudden outbursts of impulsive aggression, which can include physical or verbal aggression towards people or objects, often resulting in harm or damage.

A coping skill that can help with impulsivity is practicing mindfulness. Mindfulness involves being present in the moment without judgment and can help individuals become more aware of their thoughts, feelings, and physical sensations at the time. With regular mindfulness practice, individuals can learn to recognize their impulsive behavior disorder and develop effective strategies for managing impulse control in a healthy and positive way.

The goal of counseling for impulse control disorders is to assist impulsive behavior in teens in managing their impulsive urges and developing healthier coping skills. The specific goals of counseling for impulsivity in teens may vary based on an individual's specific needs and situation, but generally, it aims to help them identify the triggers for childhood impulse control disorder, develop strategies for managing impulses, and build self-awareness and emotional regulation skills. The ultimate objective is to help individuals with teenage impulsive behaviour lead a more fulfilling life and decrease the negative effects of impulsivity on their relationships, career, and overall well-being.

Lifebulb counselors and therapists are specialized in providing in-person or online therapy, counseling, care, and depression treatment for a wide variety of mental healthcare needs.

Do a local Google search, and you will have a long list of options, whether you are searching for ‘Impulse Control Disorders Counseling,’ ‘impulse control treatment,’ ‘impulsive behavior treatment,’ ‘impulse control counselor’ or ‘impulse control disorder treatment’. If you want to meet with the counselor face-to-face before your session, consider going for offline impulse disorders counseling.

We accept major commercial insurance plans and offer low self-pay rates, which may vary slightly by geography and therapist licensure.

We use a HIPAA-compliant video counseling service integrated into our Electronic Health Records System to provide a smooth process for our clients to engage in online therapy and counseling sessions. Booking a session with us is easy. Simply call our office or request a specific session time from our website, and a team member can book you with the best possible fit as a therapist or confirm your online session details. We'll review insurance information and a few simple policies and email you a confirmation of your session date and time, whether in-person or virtual therapy.

Therapy or Counseling are often a long-term process that can help in improving overall mental health. It has been demonstrated that therapy and counseling can enhance feelings and behaviors and is associated with healthy adjustments to the brain and body. There is never a guaranteed "cure," but counseling helps make positive lifestyle changes and teenage impulsivity.

Our Resources

Look over our expansive list of carefully curated resources to learn about the Impulse Control Disorder