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Treatments for OCD

Counseling and Treatments for OCD

OCD, or Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, is a mental health disorder that often causes an individual to feel they must complete or act out certain behaviors to reduce anxiety.

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Signs and symptoms

Symptoms of OCD

OCD looks different in everyone. Learn the symptoms so you can recognize the signs and get proper treatment today.

  • Intense anxiety or distress

  • Fear of contamination by disease

  • A need for symmetry or orderliness

  • Excessive hand washing

  • Asking for reassurance

  • Repeating words in their head

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Get Treatment for Contamination Based OCD

Get Treatment for Contamination Based OCD

With a cleaning or contamination focused obsessive-compulsive disorder, you may find yourself fixated on fears of contamination or uncleanliness, resulting in:

  • Excessive or ritualistic hand washing.
  • Irrational or overburdening fears that people will spread non-viral illnesses through touch or proximity.
  • Feeling unclean or contaminated from touching everyday items. 
  • Feeling unclean after expereincing specfiic thoughts or saying specific words.
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Treatment for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder with Excessive Rumination

Treatment for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder with Excessive Rumination

Rumination is compulsively focusing on one's own negative thoughts, and is similar to the intrusive, thought-based OCD.

  • You feel it is impossible to stop thinking in negative though cycles, even if you try to problem solve the issue. 
  • The thoughts feel intrusive and unwanted, maybe even disgusting or horrifying you. 
  • The thoughts feel urgent, like they need to be addressed or something bad will happen. 
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Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Psychocounseling for Harm-Based OCD

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Psychocounseling for Harm-Based OCD

Harm-based OCD results in extreme paranoia that harm will come to oneself or others if great care if not taken.

  • Not doing enjoyable activities or pursuing goals out of fear of physical, mental, or relationship harm. 
  • Taking extra steps to ensure safety, even if those steps are inconvenient or burdensome. 
  • Constantly reviewing and thinking about future situations to prevent any sort of harm. 
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Counseling for OCD  - Hoarding OCD

Counseling for OCD - Hoarding OCD

Hoarding OCD involves compulsively buying or hoarding things that they might need in the future.

  • Keeping items that have little to no value. 
  • Feeling extremly distressed when confronted with the idea of throwing away items. 
  • Being unable to fully engange in life (invite people over, walk around freely, etc.) because of excessive hoarding. 
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Psychocounseling for OCD-Related Hair Pulling

Psychocounseling for OCD-Related Hair Pulling

Trichotillomania causes a compulsive urge to pull hair from the body, including eyelashes, eyebrows, and head hair.

  • Can cause baldness, infection, and injuries in arm, hand, or fingers due to repetitive motion. 
  • Can also create an urge to swallow the pulled hair.
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Treatment for OCD-Related Skin Picking

Treatment for OCD-Related Skin Picking

Known as Excoriation Disorder, skin picking disorder will create the compulsive urge to scratch or pick at their skin.

  • The urge to pick healthy skin or pick at minor skin irregularities (pimples, callouses, scabs, open wounds)
  • Can lead to severe infections, lesions, and extreme distress. 
  • Is usually followed by a sense of relief. 
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“My OCD is a speed bump, not a barrier, to happiness”


— Amelia Diane Coombs

Treatments for OCD

Self-care starts with the right mindset! Your OCD therapist will create a personalized treatment plan catering to your special needs.

Treatment for OCD- Psychodynamic counseling

Psychodynamic counseling is a brief therapy approach centered on assisting individuals in identifying patterns in their thoughts, emotions, and beliefs, drawing from principles of transference-focused therapy and psychoanalysis.

    • Can help gain a greater understanding of your current self by analyzing your past and current thoughts.  
    • Focuses on anticipating, recognizing, understanding, and defeating the intrusive thoughts OCD brings. 
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Counseling for OCD- Intensive outpatient and residential treatment programs.

Comprehensive treatment programs that emphasize Exposure and Response Prevention Therapy (ERP).

    • ERP is one of the most effective forms of OCD therapy. 
    • During a residential treatment program, ERP will help you face intrusive thoughts and prevent compulsive behaviors. 
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CBT treatment for OCD

Cognitive behavioral counseling helps clients identify and understand intrusive thoughts and their corresponding compulsions and provides coping strategies to lessen the power those thoughts have.

    • By understanding the pattern behind troubling, destructive, or obsessive thought patterns, clients can regain control. 
    • CBT also helps clients face their troubling thoughts and behaviors and actively work through them in a safe space. 
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Obsessive compulsive disorder treatment - Habit reversal training

This form of behavioral therapy helps clients unlearn unhealthy or destructive habits by replacing them with healthy habits that uplift the client's goals.

    • Habit reversal training teaches mindfulness skills to learn how and when an urge develops, providing useful awareness skills that can be used to decrease harm. 
    • This technique works especially well for people who struggle with hair pulling and skin picking, but can be sucesffuly used whenever there is a harmful behavior we want to replace. 
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Counseling for ocd- exposure and response prevention counseling

Exposure and Response Prevention counseling(ERP) helps the patient to gain insights about their condition by confronting the thoughts, images, and/or situations that make them anxious. It's a three-step process-

    • Exposure: Face the thought, image, object, or situation that makes you anxious and triggers an obsession. 
    • Prevention: Stop yourself from engaging in fear blocking or compulsive behavior. 
    • Although this method can be difficult, it has great success. With the help of a licensed therapist, this can be done in a safe, healthy, and productive way. 
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Treatments for OCD
OCD Treatment is for All

Treatment for OCD at Lifebulb is tailored specifically for each individual to ensure the best results possible.

How It Works?

We aim to provide a safe space for you to be yourself and be your support system.

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Get Matched With An Experienced OCD Therapist

Come and meet our licensed therapists, who are dedicated to tailoring personalized treatment plans to suit your individual needs.

Online Counseling

Connect with our OCD specialist from the comfort of your own space. We're here to offer you all the support you need to overcome intrusive thoughts related to OCD.

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At Lifebulb, our biggest difference lies in our therapists. Many practices, large and small, often put growing businesses before growing people. It may sound simple, but at Lifebulb, we treat our therapists like valuable people that provide a valuable service. What does that mean for our clients? While we believe therapists and counselors, regardless of where they work, do their best for their clients, we've found that therapists who genuinely enjoy where they work are able to provide higher-quality services and ideal obsessive compulsive disorder counseling treatment to those they help. To that end, our primary goal at Lifebulb is to provide our therapists with the best possible environment in which to operate. In doing so, we believe Lifebulb clients are best positioned to accomplish their counseling goals through in-person counseling or virtual therapy.

OCD, or Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, is a mental health disorder that often causes an individual to feel they must complete or act out certain behaviors in order to reduce anxiety. These behaviors are known as compulsions and can range from mild to severe. Thankfully, there are a variety of treatments available for those struggling with OCD. Cognitive Behavioral counseling (CBT) and Exposure & Response Prevention (ERP) are two of the most well-known treatment methods used to help individuals take back control over their lives. CBT focuses on helping an individual identify unhelpful thinking patterns and replace them with positive affirmations. ERP involves repeated exposure to uncomfortable situations until the individual learns how to cope without acting out their compulsive behaviors. Ultimately, treatment should be tailored specifically for each individual to ensure the best results possible.

For individuals with OCD, the obsessions and compulsions can be extremely distressing and consume a lot of time and energy. The experience of OCD can vary greatly from person to person, but some common features include:

  • Intrusive Thoughts: People with OCD often have intrusive and unwanted thoughts that are distressing and cause a great deal of anxiety. These thoughts can be related to contamination, harm to self or others, or order and symmetry.
  • An Urge to Perform Compulsions: In an effort to alleviate the anxiety caused by the intrusive thoughts, individuals with OCD feel a strong urge to perform specific repetitive behaviors or mental acts (compulsions). These compulsions may include repetitive hand washing, checking, counting, ordering, or arranging items.
  • Intense Anxiety: The obsessive thoughts and compulsive behaviors are both associated with intense anxiety, which can be physically and emotionally draining.
  • Time-Consuming: The compulsions can take up a lot of time and energy and interfere with daily activities, work, and relationships.
  • Shame and Guilt: Many people with OCD feel embarrassed or ashamed about their thoughts and behaviors, and may try to hide them from others.

It's important to note that while everyone experiences intrusive thoughts and worries at times, it's the frequency, intensity, and distress caused by these thoughts and behaviors that distinguish OCD from normal worry or concern. If you or someone you know is struggling with symptoms of OCD, it's important to seek treatment for OCD. you can always find help online, all you have to do is search, ‘ocd counseling near me’ or ‘ocd clinic near me’, ‘ocd treatment centers near me’ or ‘ocd psychologist near me’ ‘find obsessive compulsive personality disorder treatment’ and ‘treatment for OCD near me’.

Signs and symptoms of OCD may vary from person to person. Identifying the signs is the right step toward the path to recovery. Here are few common signs and symptoms of OCD you be aware of:

  • Intense anxiety or distress
  • Fear of contamination by disease
  • A need for symmetry or orderliness
  • Excessive hand washing
  • Asking for reassurance
  • Repeating words in their head

The few types of ocd that every individual who struggle from obsessive compulsive disorder must be aware of include:

  • Cleaning/Contamination OCD: Cleaning or Contamination obsessive-compulsive disorder mainly focuses on fear of contamination or uncleanliness.
  • Ruminations: Rumination-based OCD is an offshoot of intrusive thought-based OCD, yet what sets it apart are the types of thoughts.
  • Harm OCD: Harm OCD involves extreme paranoia that one’s carelessness can harm others or oneself.
  • Hoarding OCD: Hoarding OCD involves compulsively buying or hoarding things that they might need in the future.
  • Hair-pulling disorder (trichotillomania): Hair-pulling disorder causes a compulsive urge to pull hair from the body, including eyelashes, eyebrows, or anywhere else.
  • Skin picking disorder (excoriation): Excoriation disorder is the compulsive urge to scratch or pick their skin.

The types of obsessive compulsive disorder treatment available at our counseling center :

  • Psychodynamic counseling: Psychodynamic counseling is a short-term counseling that mainly focuses on helping individuals find patterns in their thoughts, emotions, and beliefs. It uses concepts of transference-focused counseling and psychoanalysis.
  • Intensive outpatient and residential OCD treatment programs: Comprehensive treatment programs that emphasize ERP counseling
  • Cognitive behavioral counseling (CBT):Cognitive behavioral counseling techniques, also called Mindfulness-CBT, is mainly used to allow people to gain acceptance for their undesirable thoughts.
  • Habit Reversal Training: This intervention includes awareness training, the introduction of a competing response, social support, positive reinforcement, and often relaxation techniques.
  • Exposure and response prevention counseling (ERP): Exposure and Response Prevention counseling(ERP) helps the patient to gain insights about their condition by confronting the thoughts, images, and/or situations that make them anxious.

You can always find the right obsessive compulsive disorder treatment and psychocounseling for ocd who is specially certified and licensed in your state from various online and offline platforms. Lifebulb provides you with the best treatments for ocd, where our expert therapists can assist you in the right direction towards building a healthy and quality life. We provide both in-person and virtual counseling services for obsessive compulsive disorder. Contact Lifebulb to book an appointment through our 24x7 active helpline. You can always find us online, simply search ' ocd specialist near me’ or ‘ocd treatment near me’ or ‘best treatment for ocd ’ or ‘ocd treatment centers’ or ‘best ocd treatment in the world’ or ‘counseling for ocd.’

When you book an online anxiety counseling session with your therapist or counselor, our team will email you a confirmation of your appointment date and time with a link to the virtual obsessive compulsive disorder treatment counseling room. Click the link and log in to the virtual counseling for ocd room a few minutes before your session, and your counselor will meet you there.

Booking a session with us is easy and flexible, with several options. You can call our office, and a team member can book you with the best fit-in therapist or counselor. We'll review insurance information and a few simple policies and email you a confirmation of your session date and time, whether in-person or virtual. Or you can select your ideal therapist from our website, select a session time that works for you, and we'll reach out to you to confirm your appointment details.

While the majority of our clients opt to have their insurance benefits to get obsessive compulsive disorder treatment counseling online, we offer a self-pay rate as low as $99, which may vary slightly by geography and therapist licensure.

Our Resources

Look over our expansive list of carefully curated resources to learn about OCD related issues.